Forum Post: precipice
Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 4, 2012, 9:29 p.m. EST by ithink
from York, PA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Alright.. that's it. There's obviously something coming. Does anyone else feel like they are supposed to be doing something? Gah, language helps, not.. In trepidation and complete humility.. I am talking about the people (and you know who you are) who feel they are supposed to... be part of .. something... maybe, perhaps, but most definitely.
Go home and sleep it off.
Thanks. That is good advice. It is amazing what a night of sleep will do.
Wake up and you will find the human race all around you, in all it's forms, beautiful and ugly.
OWS, wants to go for the beautiful part, yet there are many here who pull towards the ugly.
Thank you for bringing light to this. Yes, I can see this also. It is an interesting amalgam of people here. Sometimes there is so much negativity I have to just walk away.
this is a great OWS news article...
Yes, I read this. It was the most positive article I have heard in a while. Inspiring even.
of course we are supposed to be doing something.... getting ready for the America Spring....
Getting ready eh? Ok. So, what do you expect will happen?
Are you going to be ok?
Sure. I am ok. You are ok. We are all ok.
Your post intrigues me, but can you elaborate?
I think I am just too lazy to do the work.. hehe. I was hoping you guys would fill me in. I will consider this more in depth. Thank you.
Coming of the Age of Aquarius? Mayan calendar 2012? JK.
lol.. cannot even bribe myself to go there. When you think about the interconnectedness of our economics, our food supply, the www.. We are global there is no doubt about that. When we think of things we do or do not do (most of us) will say.. well yes, I will do this, it is a good thing. It is a good thing because it is good for me and it is good for the people around me (which in turn is good for me). But that circle - the people around me - is now global. That is a big change. Not only do we have many more people to take care of.. but we have many more people taking care of us.
Very nice, and true.
it's almost like .. he's trying to say something .. lol
Yeah. It's interesting. I've seen some good posts by ithink, so I'm curious.
precipice had my attention to .. would like to hear the explanation. apparently he is home sleeping it off .. may have to wait til morning .. lol
Yeah. I love these people that post stuff and log off!
Gettin Biblical?
Born and raised atheist. But I am certainly open minded. Please share what brought to mind biblical?
Your post brought it to mind.
Many people feel like they were born to do something or be a part of something that is very special and very profound. Many feel this as God calling to them.
Interesting.. If so many people feel this way, perhaps it is true. Maybe we are meant to be a part of something very special and profound. And how does organized religion answer to this? (I am pretty sure they use these people to forward their own agenda.. but just this once, I would like to be wrong)
Myself? I don't believe in organized religion. Religion is man made, man is imperfect/flawed. All organizations use public moral beliefs to their own advantage. Thus Hypocrisy can be apparent in their actions in opposition to their stated precepts.
I think I know what you're trying to say. I think.
Thank You!