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Forum Post: Preamble draft for ?declaration? Please offer edits, comments, suggestions, commentary

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 7, 2011, 1:23 p.m. EST by HamiltonJay (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Throughout the course of our great experiment, these United State of America has enjoyed the flexibility afforded us in self-governance. Deliberated, debated and memorialized by our founders, and executed for these two centuries by our elected assemblymen, adjudicators and executives, this system of governing by men, deriving their powers from the consent of the governed, and led by a quest for the realization of collective and individual self-evident truths of the Laws of Nature, being among them life, liberty, equality and the pursuit of happiness, continues to bear fruit where sewn and cultivated, and inspire the casting off of tyranny and despotism, which profits the elite through the oppression of the common man. Myriad social injustices have been cured through our system of jurisprudence, and we offer deference and gratitude to those who toiled to carefully craft the frameworks of our freedom, those who have faithfully executed their tenets, and those who have served with sacrifice to defend our Republic. It is in their respect we memorialize the following.

In recognition of the Laws of Nature, one in particular is consistent through the course of human interaction. The juxtaposition of man’s nature to provide for himself and his dependents in our world of finite resources and his charity to mankind has often led to the bastardization of self-determination and humble self-reliance into greed, pride and gluttony. The fall of the greatest societies of humankind owe their demise in great measure to the products of economic inequities between the few and the many, the haves and have nots, the monarchies and the masses, the landed gentry and the peasants, the bourgeoisie and the proletariat, master and slave, robber barons and workers. All too often, man’s desire to accumulate wealth for his own, justified by his responsibility to provide for his dependents and posterity, passes into the nebula between temperance and greed, and exits on the side of gluttony. Defense is given under man’s construct of law of right to unencumbered enjoyment of our personal property. However, the Laws of Nature eventually usurp those constructed by man, bringing painful revolution to those of privilege, regardless of the lawfulness of their acquisition and accumulation of wealth.

Our Republic is founded on the notion of every man having representation in matters civil and collective, that representation being decided by democratic vote equal to one for each citizen. However, regardless of laws of man to protect our democratically represented Republic, again the Laws of Nature usurp. Representatives are swayed from the needs and desires of their constituency, and their sworn duty to defend the public at-large, steered through their journey through choas by those few who can afford to have their ear in the seat of government, far from the mouths of the many.

Being we are desirous of a peaceful and orderly debate regarding reform of our economic systems, we therefore proclaim…



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[-] 1 points by Dhaulagiri (7) from Brevard, NC 13 years ago

One of Billions: That will come in time. Right at the start, a movement needs a whole lot of really pissed off, frustrated people coming toghether. If the movement is relevant and important, and this one is, organizaiton will inevitably follow.

[-] 1 points by OneofBillions (22) 13 years ago

What this movement needs is a "Common Sense". One thing that plagues liberal arguments is the heavy emphasis on academic vocabulary. One reason "Common Sense" was so successful in its efforts to rally up support for independence was Paine's ability to write simply without alienating readers who hadn't had the most extensive of educations.