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Forum Post: Praise Jesus... don't buy anything for Christmas!

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 15, 2011, 4 a.m. EST by beamerbikeclub (414)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

see previous post. Ho-ho-ho? No, no, no!



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[-] 2 points by beamerbikeclub (414) 13 years ago

Protest and resistance can continue. Hit the banks where it hurts and also become more creative in your life. Don't BUY stuff. I know this poses a problem for an already troubled economy... but the point of OWS is, I think, we simply cannot go on like This.

[-] 1 points by benthare (4) 13 years ago

Hope the use of "HIS" name in your post wasn’t mockery! I AGREE WITH YOU exchanging gifts in service to "HIS" birth has nothing to do with "HIM". Stopping it would be great for so many reasons and as a Economic Protest I believe "HE" would agree. As a retired Sales & Marketing guy, trust me retailers GL 30% of their budget based on "Everything" surrounding the occasion. Your suggestion is an Exceptional way for the Nation to 'DEMONSTRATE', but you know beamer it just ain't gonna' happen. I’m OWS in a stinky tent just off Spring St. and the “HAND WRITING IS ON THE WALL”! We are moments away from forcibly being cleared out, with a dishonorable discharge as there was never a Core Message the “Media” reported. So, OWS can’t help with your idea as in our wake there will just be some short lived Anarchy to report on and that will be the Legacy. The media wont help with your concept as they too are dependant on the Seasonal Advertising Revenue. Then there’s the “SHEEP” OUR “SAVIORS’ precious Lambs: Get Set Ready Go waving Visa, M/C, and all forms of debit cards through the land. Bless You for your Suggestion, but as you can see I’m the just about the only one listening.

[-] 2 points by beamerbikeclub (414) 13 years ago

Well, it was someone else's initial post/ idea. Thank you for your presence at OWS in NYC. You know you inspired the World! The Paris OWS is still hanging in (at least it was on Monday). It ain't over yet. Power to the people. Stay tuned, stay connected, stay engaged.