Forum Post: Practical Populist Reform
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 6, 2011, 12:38 p.m. EST by jdadler
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Even if we all agreed on a single demand, the government is under no obligation to obey. What's more they have proven time and again that they will offer lip service to public opinion and then do the same thing over and over.
If we want change we must force it upon them. The Constitution offers a practical method for doing so in Article 5, a Convention for Amending the Constitution.
This short book offers a detailed explanation of how to make it happen.
summary: there are already more than enough requests by the states for an Article 5 convention. We can start with a digital convention to organize topics and then send delegates to a physical convention to formalize a bill of amendments to reform the constitution.