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Forum Post: PR Battle for OWS

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 17, 2011, 1:57 p.m. EST by jay1975 (428)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

As the true "99%" see what OWS has become, you should expect to see less and less support. Eventually it will crash to around 20-25% support as that coincides with the number of liberals in the US. Just look at the posts in this forum. If there is any doubt that this is now a far-left movement, then you are delusional.




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[-] 1 points by OccupyLink (529) 13 years ago

You wish! The movement is worldwide. The #OWS protest today (17 Nov) is getting huge coverage here on the TV. The veterans are also on our side. They believe in defending America ideals, not monied criminals.

[-] 0 points by jay1975 (428) 13 years ago

So the protests around the world are about US politics and money and not about lefty pipe dreams? Well here is one (of many, I assure you) vet who doesn't support you.

[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 13 years ago

And then what do you win?

[-] -1 points by jay1975 (428) 13 years ago

I win the satisfaction of watching this left wing movement being shut down. The original idea of money out of politics was great, but this thing jumped the shark weeks ago.

[-] 1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 13 years ago

Why satisfied?

[-] 0 points by jay1975 (428) 13 years ago

Because OWS no longet represents the majority and is now a tool for every left wing issue. It turned on its principles (if it had any) and has show its support for 9/11 truthers, illegal immigration and the unions who fund just as much money into politics and policy as the corporations do. This isn't a movement about America or Americans, it is a globalist, open society movement now.