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Forum Post: Possible Tsunami Threat To U.S. East Coast (October 13th, 2011)

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 5:28 a.m. EST by jamaragruber (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

hi all this is not a doomsday report - just wanted to inform you of some scientific news/seismic activity and the possiblity of a disaster, so that you can decide how/if you want to do something about it, e.g. plan for an evacuation in time.

love and blessings to you for your strength and courage on wall street. it is soooooo exciting to see changes in the making!! jamara gruber, switzerland

check for more information at: Jean Hudon Earth Rainbow Network Coordinator http://www.earthrainbownetwork.com

Geological Time Bomb: Red Alert Issued For El Hierro Volcanic Region in Canary Islands; Possible Tsunami Threat To U.S. East Coast (October 13th, 2011) http://www.shtfplan.com/headline-news/geological-time-bomb-red-alert-issued-for-el-hierro-volcanic-region-in-canary-islands-possible-tsunami-threat-to-u-s-east-coast_10132011 The IGN, Spain’s USGS equivalent, has issued a Red Alert warning for the El Hierro volcanic region in the Canary Islands amid thousands of earthquake swarms and volcanic activity which started in early August

(...) Given that the entire region is under earthquake warnings and parts of the Canary Islands are now being evacuated, with a red alert having been issued in the Hierro area, we find it necessary to, at the very least, inform our East Coast readers of the possible threat should a massive earthquake in the region cause a breaking away of parts of the island(s). The USGS is apparently refusing to issue news, alerts or warnings to East Coast residence regarding the progressively deteriorating circumstances surrounding the El Hierro volcano in the Canary Islands, and a search of the USGS web site resulted in no information, news, alerts or warnings for how these events may affect the United States. Primary news channels remain silent on any possible threats as well. Modern Survival Blog’s research indicates the activity is so significant that the Canary Islands have been sinking since July of this year and we are now receiving reports of widespread volcanic flows in the ocean: A look at the GPS stations there, reveals quite evidently that most of them (6 of 10) in the area are literally sinking, and have been doing so since about July of this year. My own observations of other volcanic regions have shown that there is often ‘inflation’ or rising of the land mass prior to volcanic eruption. In this case though, there is rather dramatic deflation to the northeast of El Hierro, particularly ‘Canarias’. The region is sinking… CHECK ALSO Canary Islands Sinking Into The Ocean AND 300 Foot Tsunami and East Coast Destruction



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[-] 1 points by Gijuany (11) from New York, NY 13 years ago

October 16th this post is irrelevant

[-] 1 points by SanityScribe (452) 13 years ago

I just read through the article, and can only say..Oh Shit!