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Forum Post: possible huge march on wall street November 5

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 24, 2011, 1:55 a.m. EST by jgoodman (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Plans for huge march on wall street (hundreds of thousands). How do we pressure union bureaucracy and education union membership? I quote from article below: "The CLC brings together delegates from the AFL-CIO and other unions in New York City. If its major unions make a serious effort to mobilize their members, we could see a truly massive march on Wall Street that challenges the ongoing efforts to make working-class and poor people pay the price for the economic crisis." Shouldn't we discuss ways to make sure that the major unions make a serious effort to mobilize their members? We could write letters to the major union local leaders, or attend their meetings. We could hold teach-ins outside their labor halls on the importance of mass action. good for a brainstorming session. Organizations and individuals who haven’t already endorsed the march should be encouraged to do so by writing to Workers.March.Against.Wall.Street@gmail.com .



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[-] 1 points by MPowers (34) 13 years ago

I suggest contacting them directly through your local PTSA chapters & union halls, but most union workers have kids going to school. Most teachers are also pissed and disgusted with the Plutonomy Game that's been harming their schools, students, careers (incomes & pensions), etc.

Get to know your middle-class & under-class neighbors & the movement will start snowballing much faster.

Help your own kids or little brothers & sisters understand what's happening & how they can do class projects about the Mission.

Go to seniors' centers or initiate serious dialogue with your parents & grandparents, activate & mobilize them to activate their friends. As much as they've lost, they still have more money & time than most of us, and most of them are pissed & disgusted with government, the Fed, Wall Street, and the corporate media.

[-] 0 points by marcxstar (167) from Los Angeles, CA 13 years ago

The site of hundreds of thousands marching on Wall Street would be pure poetry.