Forum Post: Possible Change Through a Third Party Candidate?
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 4:47 a.m. EST by jmcdarcy
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I know that many people here feel that we need to distance ourselves from ANY political party. However, I know that everyone is aware of the fact that we need to elect representatives that will affect the changes that we want to see. We cannot simply just "wish" the laws to change. And I know we want ALL the money out of politics, and we want justice for wall street and bankers who have committed felonies and we want to regulate the financial sector. BUT...we can't have it all RIGHT NOW. We need to have some kind of strategy. If we reject sites like and third party candidates like the green party or whomever because they're positions are not COMPLETELY pure, we may loose out on an opportunity to CREATE the laws which will make the outcome we desire possible. I know, I know. We can't rely on dirty politicians to keep their promises. But by comparison, some third party candidates and seem like much better options. Shouldn't we at least be encouraging a step in the right direction? So if we can't checkmate in 1 move...maybe we can do it in 2 or 3? It's just simple strategy.
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