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Forum Post: Popular Current member found in hospital, critically injured; party accuses police of torture

Posted 12 years ago on Feb. 2, 2013, 9:43 p.m. EST by GirlFriday (17435)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Popular Current member Mohamed al-Gendy, who disappeared near Tahrir Square on 28 January 2013, has been found in a hospital in serious condition.

The party — founded by former presidential candidate and National Salvation Front leader Hamdeen Sabbahi — issued a statement on Thursday saying Gendy had been found at al-Helal al-Ahmar Hospital in the Ramses district. He reportedly was in the intensive care unit and was in serious condition following a violent assault.

Gendy's colleagues searched for him over the past four days in police stations, hospitals and Central Security Forces' camps, but all denied any knowledge of his whereabouts, the statement said. No police station was notified when Gendy arrived in the hospital.

The hospital said that Gendy had been in a car accident, but the Popular Current received information that he had been assaulted. The statement said the party believed that Gendy had been kidnapped.

Mohamed Abdel Aziz, a human rights lawyer at the Nadeem Center for the Treatment of the Victims of Violence, said he filed a complaint at Qasr al-Nil Police Station accusing a police officer of assaulting and torturing Gendy.

Abdel Aziz accused President Mohamed Morsy, Prime Minister Hesham Qandil and the interior minister and his aides for responsibility for Gendy's assault and attempted murder.

"We received information that a police officer arrested Gendy and assaulted him. We found him suddenly today in al-Helal Hospital without his family or friends being informed," Abdel Aziz said.

The lawyer accused the hospital of changing the date of Gendy's arrival to hide the crime, and said that torture marks were clear on his body. http://www.egyptindependent.com/news/popular-current-member-found-hospital-critically-injured-party-accuses-police-torture



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