Forum Post: Politicians have forgotten they are servants NOT masters
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 20, 2011, 1:14 a.m. EST by reddy2
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Step 1. Legalise the constitution.
No polititians are still servants, they just serve the corporate and finance elite.
Very good point of clarification
+1 I'm on board
I don't know why but this post made me think of an old movie "With Honors"
I agree completely. I dont even think most of them have actually read it after law school( or maybe not even in law school).
Obama is a constitutional lawyer.
In name only that is.
If he is a constitutional lawyer then he knows he is overstepping his power by authorizing "police actions". Our troops should not be leaving the country until we tell the congressmen it is ok who is suppose to tell the president it is ok. Somewhere we lost the chain of communication. I need a BFM.
He knows EXACTLY what he's doing.
I notice that many politicians come out with these grand statements like.. " for the good of the American people", or "we were elected to make the hard decisions"... when it's just pure 100% LIES.
But the people buy it and get used to it and through dumbing down and loss of expectations and apathy... the people accept the lowest form of manipulation by the politicians who are elected to serve them ?!.
It's gone on so long now I'm unsure if Americans know what the truth sounds like.
They'd rather be LIED to by actors reading teleprompters..
How 1984 of them.
No, he just plays one on the teleprompter.
As I keep saying, he reads scripts really really well.
Great actor.
Sharp suits.
Ultimate Manchurian candidate.
They act like sales staff because the public are used to sound bytes, rather than information.
You voted for CHANGE. You might have asked what kind of change, but you trusted the guy.
Give them an inch, and they'll take a mile.
Run a candidate. The polls might suggest you have a chance.