Forum Post: Political Finance Reform
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 20, 2011, 1:32 p.m. EST by JPSayles
from Highland, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Excerpt from "Political Finance Reform"
Politicians understand there are two ways to effect change: mandate it – or incentivize it. The voting masses have tried forever to mandate loyalty from our politicians via the threat of voting them out. In the 21st century, losing political office only means making millions working for corporations - so that's an empty threat - and throwing Congress in prison is entirely impractical and will never happen because they make the laws.
Given this reality, clearly it’s time for something entirely new - like cutting our losses and pursuing the opposite strategy of incentivizing political loyalty. This proven strategy works exceptionally well for private industry - so why not copy them?
Professional Revenue:
The cost to finance political campaigns has averaged $4 billion per election year the past three election cycles (’04, ’06, ’08). Clearly we must finance elections ($2 billion per year) from public funds.
Despite many attempts we have failed to accomplish this, most likely because Congress has other, far more lucrative financial connections to corporations that they refuse to disrupt - and corporations do NOT want to lose this control.
Personal Revenue:
Perhaps the key to finally achieving "campaign finance reform" is to also replace with tax dollars the personal wealth politicians acquire from corporate stock portfolios; the increased standard of living provided by highly coveted corporate perks and war chests; and their multi-million dollar job-loss safety-net of corporate lobbying, all of which can exceed Congressional salaries.
How might that look?
Political Finance Reform goes several steps beyond just campaign finance reform alone by addressing all revenue/benefit streams simultaneously - by budgeting an additional $1.5 billion per year to: #1 add a zero to their pay #2 greatly improve their pensions - with longevity/performance based incentives
That could incentivize change.
In exchange, Congress must illegalize all of their financial connections to private financing during service and after.
With strict enforcement laws, 100% financial dependence could provide their undivided loyalty, saving middle class taxpayers trillions of dollars, our planet and democracy.
Strategic Reallocation of Tax Dollars
If agreed to, the amount necessary to reallocate should be about $3.5 billion per year, representing just 1/10 of 1% of our federal revenue, $3.55 trillion. If we can fix precisely that which destroys our political system, environment and economy by reallocating just 1/1000th of our revenue - who would say no?
If you faced losing your $100,000 home but could save it for $100, would you make the expenditure? That's 1/1000th. Isn't America our home?
End Excerpt
The 1% did not risk life and limb to acquire control. Why should we?
In Solidarity, JP Sayles