Forum Post: Political Corruption is the Real Problem!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 10:30 a.m. EST by Rbrain
from Ottawa, ON
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Protesters must attack the real problem; Political Corruption. Take the power away from special interests and lobbyists in Washington. Finance campaigns through you tax system! Only then will "Joe Taxpayer" have a voice.
Political corruption is the sole reason this countries in the mess it's in. ask yourself why any politician would vote for one sided trade agreements, that send jobs out of country or relax banking regulations, that opened the door for banks to make loans they new would never be repaid and then bail them out. how about wars that only benefit corporations and in the end, when we leave these countries the biggest thug on the block will control it once again. why do politicians like Romney spend millions of there own money to be elected president! surely not for the salary. there are many ways to remove the corruption from politics. the problem is politicians refuse to fix it "imagine that"
Yep. That's why I say make political corruption and influence the main focus of the protest. Maybe then they would be forced to address the problem (we can only hope).
here's the king:
Think about where we are now, it all started in 1999 with the subprime loans Senator Phil Gramm was peaching on Senate floor.
It doesn't matter at this point so much as to where it started. What matters is what's done in the future to fix the problem.
take a lesson from History, bring back Glass-Staegal Act!
Seems like a good thread. I like to write about corruption, but sometimes don't research enough. I like most of what Max Keiser says about Big Banks and the relaitonships to the FED. I beleive that money corrupts and that money is behind everything.
Mostly I will suggest here that
1) we end Lobbying of all kinds. 2) Probably should get rid of the Political Action Committees. 3) We should end all gift giving and receiving at the Congress. Any gift should be valued at no more than $5 like all other government offices. 4) Freebies should be eliminted like free hotel rooms, free convension tickets, free tickets of any kind, free dinners, free plane rides, free entertainment, etc. 5) Campaign Finance Reform starts with the above, but also have to prevent book sales of large quanitites to one entity or individual (an obvious pander). 6) The above should help end career politician. 7) I'd also like to see congressmen publish their position quarterly on a type of point paper on a subject or issue of their choice. Or maybe make it 3 subjects of their choice since we are paying them. The intension is to prevent congressmen from changing positions after lobbyist have gotten to them. 8) I would like to see free national radio and tv air time by all stations 6 months prior to elections for min 10 minute speach. This would be free from the radio, tv, or cable station (patriotic duty to help stop national corruption. Say all politician can have free time once a month per station.
This is response to an earlier post
You use the home (that a "friend" owns) in Spain, France mexico etc. as often as you like. You drive a Mercedes that is owned by a "friend" . You golf at the country club and have an unlimited tab that a "friend" sets up for you.
I completely agree and I would like to see OWS use this as the next wave in this movement. All of the problems and injustice that people speak of are true and correct, but they are all only the symptoms and not the cause of the problem. As long as we only speak of the symptoms we will miss a unifying message because everyone is infected by their own symptom, but a root cause of all the symptoms can be felt by everyone and can be named and rallied around. In my opinion the main cause of almost all of the “symptoms” being spoken of is our dysfunctional corrupt congress. It is congress that funds the wars. It is congress that did not regulate banks and then bailed them out. It is congress that spends billions each year to support corrupt governments around the world. It is congress that has put this country in debt by uncontrolled short term pork barrel spending in promising the masses everything to get elected, all the while leaving our healthcare, infrastructure and the educational systems in shambles. (etc. etc. etc.) We no longer have a functional democracy when congress is bought off by a minority of big money corporations and special interest groups to pass laws or block them for their interest only and leaves the majority of the country screwed. All of the issues that the OWS movements are stating can be traced back to congress. So why not go to the source, go to the root of the problem. Our dysfunctional corrupt congress is not only the one issue everyone can agree on, but ALREADY DO (look at their national approval rating of 13%), and the system is already in place to make changes. We could open a national dialog on what this country needs and where it is going while addressing ways to reform congress. I would suggest that OWS extend invitations to all occupy cities, tea party, politicians, etc. to send delegates here to work on how to reform our congress so it truly represents the majority, and in that discussion all of the symptoms would be addressed! By making this our focus we start to represent if not 99% at least 87% (what other single issue has that kind of national support), we dispel most of our critics, and it sets up a meaningful dialog to make lasting changes on key issues effecting our country. This movement will find its way or not. All I can do is to offer my nonviolent thoughtful opinion and respect others as they do the same.
Well stated. A congress that is dysfunctional and only interested in their own survival is the real roadblock to change. Occupy Wall Street may need their leaders but so does Congress.
And what cause political corruption?.......Mooonnneeeyyyyy?
No, not money, but the system that supports buying influence through political donations. Money will always be a necessary part of the equation. Who we allow to donate that money will change the dynamics.
that's what I simple terms
Obama 70 million in contributions thaat would be better spent on some of your causes
Have you lost your mind? Better spent on some of your causes? How about going towards our National Debt.? Wow....70 million would go a long way to pay off college loans for that YOU took out knowing you would have to pay them back. Want something for nothing.....That is not real life. Id like to see you try to get a car or home without having to pay for it. Oh wait.....they call that theft! You people do have something to look forward to...the rest of us getting so sick of hearing your cries that we come out into the streets to put you in your places. Its coming....and you should fear when that happens. You are doing just what our Government is wanting you to do....separate from other American's. Want to make a difference, a real difference??? VOTE! Vote for someone in power who will actually do their job! Who will follow through on promises made and make a difference! You people are an embarressment to MY COUNTRY!
Sure. Makes me wonder how much is generated by all the candidates, Democratic and Republican.
Rbrain makes a very important point that should not be overlooked. Having campaigns financed through taxes would level the playing field. Today's political campaigns are only expensive because we allow them to be so. They start years in advance of the elections and by the end of it we still don't really know the candidates - all we know is the image that their campaign managers created. The candidates are being marketed to the American people much like a new box of detergent would be and a lot of people are getting rich by being a part of it. The US government is already spending lots of money on supporting the infrastructure of campaigns and with a little bit of planning these campaigns could all be funded in a fair manner within existing budgets. I don't have all the answers on how the particulars would work, but I'm sure that a room full of 30 average American citizens could put their minds together and hammer out a plan for a fair and equitable system in a matter of days.
Exactly. All it would take is a few level headed people. Your thoughtful reply is a good start.
I agree - fundamentally everything falls back in taking 'democracy' back from the plutocracy. If we can do that we can actually have an honest discussion about how to make America better for everyone, not just the few.
Right. I wonder what your founding fathers would think about where America is at today. I doubt if Adams would tolerate the divisions in American politics today.
The real real problem is collusion between corps and the government. Who is controlling who?
What is America or its citizens getting out of the deal.
Who is controlling who?
Why does the government support sending jobs overseas?
Why does the government support(enrichen) the likes of GE and the oil industry through massive tax breaks and give aways?
If you want to change should use your VOTE instead of looking like idiots!
OK ryan, thanks, none of us have ever tried that before.
Those are the guys financing their campaigns.
That's true, but it goes deeper, if it is like the real world, they end up serving those that hired them in a sense.
Look how many politicians go to work as lobbyist making far more money than as a politicians. Did the boss give them a promotion?
In Canada, we have restrictions on how soon after leaving office a former politician can work as a lobbyist. Do they have that in America?
I'm not sure. That definetly would be a good thing to put on the "to do" list
It would. But even in Canada, some politicians find ways to work around it.
There are always those things that you don't own but have full use of, that don't constitute employment. Cars, houses, on and on.
Maybe in the future a solution to that will come.
You use the home (that a "friend" owns) in Spain, France mexico etc. as often as you like. You drive a Mercedes that is owned by a "friend" . You golf at the country club and have an unlimited tab that a "friend" sets up for you.
It doesn't take a very creative mind to figure out that ownership is not neccessary. It's like being supplied a company vehicle, but it comes from a "friend" and is just "friends sharing"
Don't quite understand. Can you elaborate?
Amen. America really needs to take a very hard look at political campaign donations and the inherent corruption within the current system.
No, that's part of the problem. Too much looking at problems, not enough doing something about it.
I find it funny how these politicians put so much time and effort in receiving donations for a campaign when they don't apply themselves as aggressive in congress / senate for the common people's well being.
Don't think they have much of a choice. Running a campaign is expensive. Who funds it is the real question and that decides who has influence.
But if donations are not refundable if they decide to drop out of the race, that's some serious profits to live on. Never thought the day would come where you can become a miliionaire just by running for office?
No, donations would only be paid to the political party once the candidate has been declared. Better that than buying influence through the back door and betting on your guy or gal will win it.
So Perry currently has around 16 million in donations. He's declared, yes? So if he drops out, he pockets 16 million?
don't think you can control all political donations. I'm only talking about the election process itself, not the nomination process. Don't know how you can control that but at least you can control election funding.
You are correct, sir.
Thank you. I just hope more people start to realize it and focus on it.
No it does not matter what political spectrum you are from start with taking an interest in where the problem started it was not wall street tehy did not take anyones money it was given freely by each and everyone of you when you elect and invest you let other people spend if you want to change the system go home research your congressman and the 401k you are invested in and make the necessarfy changes stop camping playing the drums and do somthing otherwise go home sit back and do nothing
My friend wall street controls what decisions our politicians in Washington make. are we really at war because of terrorism or oil? that answer is crystal clear. staying home and researching the hand picked politician choices were given and 401k plans won't change a thing.
Yes, but because of their drum banging and camping out, they made you and me react. That's a start.