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Forum Post: "Political corruption" is not the problem. OWS needs to move beyond this to solutions.

Posted 12 years ago on June 12, 2012, 6:38 p.m. EST by Misaki (893)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

There is some value in pointing out that people are wrong about why the economy is doing poorly, and that the rich ("the 1%") do in fact have lots of money despite, or even because of, "a bad economy" and high unemployment. But there is much more value in going beyond that to suggest a workable solution.

Saying "we just need to fix the corruption in government!" is not an effective solution. The US has very low rates of actual bribery compared to, say, China; most of the "corruption" that people complain about has the effect of helping working-class people in a local area at the expense of the federal budget as a whole. Higher inflation due to out-of-control government spending DOES lead to higher employment, as economists are well aware but many people seem to be ignorant of.

So asking for "lower corruption" is not really distinguishable from asking for lower government spending (including tax expenditures), which will have the overall effect of higher unemployment. Politicians, no matter how they were elected, are unlikely to commit political suicide by reducing government spending unless there is a reasonable expectation that jobs will be available in the private sector. This is unlikely to happen except through the accelerated work week.



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[-] 1 points by Misaki (893) 12 years ago
[-] 2 points by Builder (4202) 12 years ago

I'm sure there are plenty of people who care, Misaki. Maybe just ease up on sneaking that accelerated work week concept into every post you make.

From what I can gather from research, not only was the GFC totally orchestrated by the banksters, but so is the coming bankruptcy of the US economy.

When you own the means of production of a fiat currency, the only real setback to growth would be a shortage of physical resources, and we haven't hit that point in time just yet.

Where we are at right at this point in time, is trying to convince people that both red and blue teams are really on the same side.

We need to fully back the green team, lose the farcical electoral college, and reinstate Glass-Stegall immediately. The banksters have clearly demonstrated their criminality when they have no regulators overseeing their misdeeds.

[-] 1 points by Misaki (893) 12 years ago

Maybe just ease up on sneaking that accelerated work week concept into every post you make.

Is there any point in discussion that doesn't lead to a solution? I'm sure some people get entertainment from this forum but I try to assume that there are still people who take OWS seriously.

From what I can gather from research, not only was the GFC totally orchestrated by the banksters, but so is the coming bankruptcy of the US economy.

A Wall Street insider discusses how the financial crisis was because the US government didn't bail out Lehman Brothers like it was "supposed" to. http://smirkingchimp.com/thread/mark-ames/28354/confessions-of-a-wall-st-nihilist-forget-about-goldman-sachs-our-entire-economy-is-built-on-fraud

We need to fully back the green team

As I pointed out in another thread, people are more likely to "believe" in global warming if unemployment is low. It would also help if we didn't give the rich, and the financial industry which feeds off of inequality, so much money that the only way they can spend it as fast as the gain it is to buy private jets and other things that hurt the environment.

I appreciate your constructive comment but OWS has not offered a clear reason why it is not supporting this concept.