Forum Post: Political asylum in Canada
Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 7, 2012, 6:44 p.m. EST by lawstudent402
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fighting for my human rights
isn't Canada like Siberia ?
Aren't you angry that the Canadian government is lying and conspiring with America to violate our rights.
As a law student, you should be looking into how Canadian mining and energy corporations have been violating our rights for some time now.
Pesky things those facts.
Aren't they though?
Exploitation is a way of life for ALL unregulated corporations, no matter where they originate from.
Yes but Canada refused me asylum which will result in me losing my life if i cannot find it else where...
Try Vanuatu.
There's still time before it goes beneath the waves.
Then there's Tuvalu too. The upshot being you get a cool .TV website.
not a bad idea, although i would prefer political asylum in a country that could better protect me
Well, as you've seen, it's a lot harder to invoke than it should be.
So do what you have to do and move to Tuvalu!.
Yep. Exploitation of resources and of the workers.