Forum Post: Policy ideas
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 8:31 p.m. EST by tcorp
from The Hague, ZH
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
14% of Americans depend on food stamps due to globalization and the coercion of governments by multinational institutions. An economic equilibrium can only be reached through taxation that compensates the people affected by such detrimental business practices.
A corporation may not grow to the extent that its collapse puts at jeopardy a nation's well being. Such institutions naturally pose a threat to the security of nation states through the risk they carry and a threat to democracy through the clout they intrinsically wield. Such risks should be dealt with accordingly.
In a democracy, political contributions to campaigns must be limited in a manner that both the poorest and the richest among a populous can both contribute equally. An equal voice to all. Should corporations claim personhood, such limits must be equally set to corporations. If the poorest among a populous cannot contribute more than $5 then that shall be the limit. Thus the limit of political contributions shall only be raised with a rise in the standard of living of ALL people, shifting the incentives of politicians.