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Forum Post: Policy Idea

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 11:21 p.m. EST by MalchusS (0) from Chicago, IL
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How do we eliminate the power of money without limiting the freedom of speech and the right to spend one’s own wealth in support of one’s cause? The effective functioning of society requires the efficient use of money, so the issue is not the power of money per se, but rather the unequal power of money. (Neither is the issue economic inequality in itself, which is harmless to democracy so long as justice is upheld; the problem, rather, is the political and social disparity arising from economic inequality.)
I would therefore like to propose that certain activities of a political nature be guaranteed subsidies to a level equal with the highest private expenditure in the same area. For determining what areas should be subject to such a subsidy, I envision the determining factor to be whether the area involves the exercise of political or legal power over others. Such areas ought to include: • Judicial representation and resources, both civil and criminal • Election finance • Legislative lobbying • Media • In general, access to public resources/venues/libraries/infrastructure Such subsidies would be paid for by a percentage tax on all private expenditures in the corresponding area. (The percentage should be the same for all parties, but variable in time to meet demand/supply. The subsidies would have to be limited to what the private sector actually spends, after the tax is subtracted.) Such subsidies would be guaranteed to all citizens upon application, without preference to ideology. This way, everyone has the same financial resources in their political and legal dealings. Social and political power due to financial advantage is eliminated, without limiting anyone’s right to spend their own money as they choose.



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[-] 1 points by Markmad (323) 13 years ago

In simple terms, if humans are allow to be rich they will never go to the factories, so the scheme is to pay then with fake currency that can be devaluated at will in order to force them back to the factories. That’s the game of corporate capitalism; economic slavery. The democratic systems as a hole is just fine only need minor adjustments.