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Forum Post: Policy direction for Occupy - one goal -

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 10:36 a.m. EST by 52bobby (1)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

What is the purpose of the Occupy Movement? Is it a movement of issues or a movement to bring us back to a representive government? I believe its purpose is to move us back to a representative government! I believe the strength of the Occupy Movement is in the number of people it can bring into the process not the issues and opinions they hold. Therefore I am putting forth the following proposal: I think the purpose of the Occupy Movement is: Representative government: The means to this end is to get as many citizens as we can to register to vote now and then get them to the polls to vote. It is only by increasing the number of registered voters who then vote that we can change the way our government works. We need to take ownership of our communities and of our nation. We need to learn how to get as many as we can to register and how to get them prepared to vote; we need to pass on the necessity political involvement and voting to our children. We need to not allow ourselves to be discouraged if “our politician” or “our cause” doesn’t win the day. That’s not why we are involved. We need numbers to empower our politicians, our negotiators to stand confidently against the special interests and big money. We need our legislators to vote “for the people” at the city, county, state and national levels. The Occupy Movement’s motto should be: City by city, county by county, state by state, and as a nation; year by year, generation by generation, we will grow involvement, so the people have a government for the people, by the people, the representative government we earn and deserve. Don't waste time defining a platform no matter what you come up with it will divide you. We must learn to trust and cultivate informed collective wisdom. To trust the Gorilla in the room that the comfortable fear and the disenfranchised often do not recognize: The size of the turnout is equal to the possibility of meaningful change for the majority. What unites us all? All American’s will stand for the idea that a government “for the people” and “by the people,” is why we are all here. It is what we all are seeking, a land of liberty and justice for all. America is like a beautiful pearl. In America this pearl of wisdom is self evident.



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[-] 1 points by jwe (16) 13 years ago

I agree that the goal should be to get ourselves a representative government. The problem is for whom to vote. Because of the role of money in politics, any candidate is already corrupt (= indebted to big donors/lobbyists) before starting to run. We don't have a democracy, we have an auction.