Forum Post: Police State Checkpoint Nullification in Upper Moreland, PA
Posted 12 years ago on June 17, 2012, 7:32 p.m. EST by darrenlobo
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The problem with these checkpoints is that they're warrantless, arbitrary searches. This goes against all standards of civilized behavior and is not tolerable in a free society. Not only are checkpoints violating our rights they're not effective. "Traditional police patrols are three times more likely to locate genuinely impaired drivers than these suspicionless checkpoints," according to James Babb, founder of the Valley Forge Revolutionaries. "So not only are these checkpoints blatantly immoral and illegal, they're also a waste of police time and tax dollars. It's long past time someone took a stand for fiscal responsibility, the rule of law, and plain common sense."