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Forum Post: "Police State"

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 4:07 p.m. EST by far2wrld (53)
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Check out this video on youtube, in search box type in MSNBC on NYPD police Brutality during Occupy Wall Street Lawrence O' Donnel with "The Last Word". "The Last Word " show with Lawrence O' Donnel . Are we looking at the begging of a police state!



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[-] 1 points by fangio (6) 13 years ago

The police are pigs. The protester's during the 1960's learned this lesson soon enough. Do not try to befriend them, it is pointless; they will beat you and club you and shoot you and mace you. They are fat and slovenly and disgusting and all they care about is where their next meal is coming from. Their dear leader, Ray Kelly, trained the police in Iraq and has brought his numerous skills back home. Ordinary citizens taking part in their right to free assembly are treated like insurgent's while he has dinner at Sardi's.

[-] 1 points by bythepeople (56) 13 years ago

Remember that the police are part of the 99%. They don't want this system anymore than you do.

Stay peaceful, no matter what.

[-] 1 points by fangio (6) 13 years ago

Your a dreamer, the police exist to protect the wealthy and they always have. People like you will be the first to be dragged off and disappeared.

[-] 1 points by bythepeople (56) 13 years ago

Sorry dog, that ain't true. I know from very personal experience. No one is dragging me anywhere.