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Forum Post: Police employ Predator drone spy planes on home front

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 11, 2011, 11:06 a.m. EST by qazxsw123 (238)
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or the saga of the six missing cows valued at six thousand dollars.

Have they already 'droned' OWS camps?

"....privacy advocates say drones help police snoop on citizens in ways that push current law to the breaking point."




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[-] 1 points by qazxsw123 (238) 13 years ago

Go vote!

Should unmanned predator drones be used to spy on American citizens - even if they are breaking the law?


[-] 1 points by qazxsw123 (238) 13 years ago

Update on this story at Salon. Much attention should be placed on this development!

"It’s beyond obvious that policy planners and law enforcement officials expect serious social unrest. Why wouldn’t they: when has sustained, severe economic suffering and anxiety of the sort we are now seeing — along with pervasive, deep anger at the political class and its institutions — not produced that type of unrest? Drones are the ultimate tool for invasive, sustained surveillance and control, and one would have to be historically ignorant and pathologically naive not to understand its capacity for abuse."


[-] 1 points by qazxsw123 (238) 13 years ago

I see, helicos were used by AF as well? and then were used for law enforcement and Traffic news. Idem for drones.

Still, give them an inch; they'll take a mile...

[-] 1 points by qazxsw123 (238) 13 years ago

like frogs with wings?

[-] 0 points by FrogWithWings (1367) 13 years ago

Those arm quite easily and can take out a single target with surgical precision.

[-] 0 points by nucleus (3291) 13 years ago

Hellfire missiles are not "surgically accurate".

[-] 0 points by FrogWithWings (1367) 13 years ago

I suppose you think those are the only weapons systems these can birds can carry. You'd be very mistaken.

[-] -1 points by necropaulis (491) 13 years ago

Cops don't own the drones, USAF does. And I'm sure they have buzzed around some camps. Doesn't really mean anything. Not to mention, they had an incredibly large area to cover, not knowing if the people were armed or not. It's not about snooping, it's about saving manpower. Same thing when they break out the helicopters(maybe these guys didn't have one available, or they wanted to play with army toys??)