Forum Post: Police Brutality? I need your help!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 7, 2011, 2:28 p.m. EST by BruceAlmighty
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Unfortunately, I cannot afford to travel to NYC at this time. But I want to do my part to help those who have fallen victim to the police violence that has been displayed by a large amount of poorly trained, out of control police officers.
I have been watching hours of footage on youtube but I am not finding good sites that have pictures I can use. Can I get some links to blogs, forums and any other site that people have submitted quality picture of NYPD's finest at their worst?
I want to aid those who are looking for justice and any help is appreciated!
For all of those on the streets of NYC...Hang in there. The WORLD is watching!!
Peace and safety to all!