Forum Post: Polce officer stabed with scissors by OWS protester in OWS attempted retake of Zuccotti Park
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 3, 2012, 2:17 p.m. EST by Charles99
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Can the OWS folks please tell their occupiers not to run with scissors. They obviously never made it to 1st grade.
I wasn't there so I can't say that this did or didn't happen. What I can say is that it does show that OWS is inching more and more away from there NON-Violant pledge.
the cop probably tried to harm him in some way
Its always someone else's fault isn't it?
This time it was the cops fault.
nachosrutz, of course, the OWS folks would never harm anyone. IQ check.
We do not know if the scissors wielder is a NYPD provocateur or not, but let's assume for the purposes of this comment that he is an OWSer. Angry people do angry things. If you shut down peaceful protest, even more anger builds up. Furthermore, young people are very spirited.
If there are any deaths and I suspect there probably will be (more likely protesters, not cops) the blood will be on Mayor Bloomberg's hands. In a democracy, peaceful protests are allowed. Bloomberg is on the wrong side of history.
mr nomdeguerre, The facts so far with OWS and its occupiers across the U.S. are that they (the occupiers) are violent, the police are restrained. If you excuse the violence on the occupiers side by saying that violence is excusable because the police are trying to shut down a peaceful protest you are wrong because the protest aren't peaceful in the first place. The only deaths so far have been occupier on occupier violence.
As your boss, Mayor Bloomberg, always says, you are entitled to your own opinion but not your own facts.
The NYPD, the Oakland cops and some others are a disgrace to America, it's history and the cause of the American Revolution.
So every night, when you tuck your kids into bed, you say 'Don't worry little Johnny/Jenny, Daddy's out there every day stabbing the Constitution in the back'?
mondeguerre, you are an idiot, look at the violence the OWS has done in oakland and Seattle.
I doubt it was an OWS protester (sort of like all the criminals who the NYPD encouraged to "take it to Zuccotti).
francismjenkins you sound like a conspiracy nut.
you know what they say about conspiracies :)
yes they say that they are usually wrong.
but I wasn't necessarily implying a "conspiracy" ... I mean, who was this OWS protester? What's his/her background? Ummm, how involved have they actually been in the OWS movement? Was it just some random person in close proximity to an OWS protest who freaked out (for whatever reason)? I haven't heard a damn thing about this alleged incident, so???
Just being on the street in the vicinity of a protest, does not make one a protester. The cop was also in the vicinity of the protest. Was he also a protester? Was this alleged protester carrying an OWS membership card?
Well mr Evil, since OWS prides itself on no leadership nor organization, I doubt any such membership exist; so one has to call any person in the occupy area who is not there for any other business, a OWS member.
So, if i have been walking in the park for 30 years, and now there is a protest going on, regardless of my support or opposition of the protesters ideas, I am now a protester just because I am in the park?
Would any sane person be hanging out close or with the OWS folks? I think the police can tell the difference.
and where is the video of this
or the documentation?
A trained professional with a rock can do more damage than a amateur with a with a better tool.
So what are we now, Ernest T. Bass? I thought the idea behind OWS was peaceful protest and civil disobedience. That doesn't involve throwing rocks, breaking windows and other such juvenile acting out. It doesn't involve using weapons or stock-piling arms. Can OWS not speak up about this? Which is it, a movement with principles and limitations, or just a free-for-all. By the way, I have supported OWS since day one. Whether or not this story is true, I think this direly needs to be addressed.
That is what our adversary are doing to us. Instead of a head on attack they attacked their own and blame it on us.
Why can't Bloomberg just let them stay in Zuccotti? His violence is what begets further violence.
mr beauworld, it is against the law to stay overnight in Zuccotti park, can you get that through your head? It also disturbs the normal people that live and work in the area. And what Bloomberg violence are you talking about? Its the occupiers who are out of control and violent. Anyway its a mute point the occupy movement is dying.
No, I can't get that through my head.
Here is the story on the attack and on the guy who was arrested.
Welcome to the modern feudal system, cops can shoot and kill and kidnap, (arrest without warrant is kidnapping) but any act of violence against them is a law violation. How come they get to use violence and we don't? Aren't they supposed to be working for us? When did public servants become public masters?
They become public masters when you become a public pain in the ass.
No shit.
makes perfect sense to me.
When the 16th amendment was passed.
Obviously Evil these pig like people are suppose to be role models to the public, it is not our fault that we are just imitating our role models is it?
You are a true sheeple.
Mr Evil, are you for real? Your logic is so stupid it doesn't even deserve a rebuttal.
Yet you spoke, you are a real genius.
I am willing to accept your opinion that my logic is stupid, if you present an argument for what makes it stupid, or why it is stupid. Without an argument or counter opinion you are just being a troll. It is probably past your bedtime. Go to bed and let the adults talk.
Look, you obviously have problems, get help.
Well, you can be sure that that protester is going to prison.
We should Occupy the prison he/she is sent to, he doesn't deserve prisonment, the pig that got stabbed does!
The nation is getting to a boiling expect things to get pretty bad if the nation is not fixed..
Further arguments for police using toy squirt guns to replace real ones and pepper spray. OWS needs to start using safety scissors, I see concessions to be made on both sides.
Right a little give and take on both sides. Police should also use beer goggles so that they can't discriminate or take proper aim. OWS folks already have many physical and mental disabilities so i think that the safety scissors ought to do it for them.
Damn straight stab those fucking pigs, this is NOT their America!!!
Cut up porkie in the name of Jefferson!
Its not anyone's America if that's how you feel
You sir are an ignoramus. My apologies to those who are truly an ignoramus, I do not mean to insult you.
Mr nightshade, the authorities will be looking for you as you seemed to have escaped from the looney bin.
The answers below basically translate to..."yea, so...big deal...we stabbed a cop"
Scumbag violent's in their DNA.
mr stinkyhippy, the world is upside down for these modern revolutionaries, the police are calm and follow the rules, the 'peaceful' protesters (i.e. OWS) are violent and break all the rules.
Why don't you get the hell out of OUR country you hippie bitch and while you're at it, leave your money and valuables.