Forum Post: polarized speech impediments
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 4:06 a.m. EST by amen88
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
it seems that america has been separated into two very distinguished groups. on one side you have the "liberal lefties" and on the other the "conservative righties". it is not very difficult to see that neither of these two ideologies ever fulfill what they say they are all about but rather seem to argue allot. could it be that these two polarized political, social, economic ideologies have been created to engage the populous in an ongoing debate leaving them blind and debilitated while the real criminals are carrying on their business as usual.
it is time that we no longer buy into the argument, but rather stand up and let our collective voice be heard. we are not left handed, nor are we right handed, we are in fact, ambidextrous and can do amazing things now that our eyes are quite open.
Polarization is one of our biggest problems and one of their most effective weapons. Right, left, Democrat, Republican, black, white, and on and on. This obsolete concept no longer is relevant. Personally, I vehemently resist labels but I have no idea how to change the collective conscience of most of America. Can it be changed is my question.
it is changing, many resist change, but it is changing regardless.
There is no ideology. What ideal is the "right" based on? The "left"? Neither is based on any moral, principle, or even idea. They're both separate arms of statism, who's policies are entirely reactionary to the other. Everyone thinking in terms of "right" and "left" is mentally handicapped. For real, your brain is in a wheelchair.
When democrats win, who wins? The state. When republicans win, who wins? The state. Political theory is the concept of the individual and the state. Both parties are on the same side. Get smart, peeps! They've got you caught in a negative feedback loop!
I see the political spectrum as a bit bigger than Democrat vs Republican, but the other points on that spectrum don't really have a voice or any discernible power.
What are the alternatives for citizens who would like to see change?
I think the only real solution, in any short term way, is for each person to unplug as much as they possibly can. Seems to be the only feasible way to slow things down.
And to bring it up with everyone at every opportunity. As an example, I just explained inflation to my mom today. She had no idea what it was, she just assumed prices always go up. WTF?!
Thank you for the reply.
Sure thing.
I don't see a way to turn things around. We're clearly heading for the financial cliff, but any sanity, or austerity measures are met by everyone calling the suggester a bloodsucker. "What, you want everyone to bleed to death on the street???" So, there's no real way to turn away from the impending implosion. (Example, Ron Lawl is talking about 1T of budget cuts. People are saying he is crazy and it's nonsense and all this, but 1T doesn't address the problem, it only BREAKS EVEN. It only stops the bleeding, and we cannot muster the will to do even that)
Best we can hope for is to become self-sufficient on our own, and try to slow the machine down by not participating. As an example, if we worked harder to figure out how to pay less taxes, then the gubmint would have less money and be able to do less things (in theory, they could always print it. But if we used our saved money to invest in precious metals or other things that go up as the dollar declines, then we'd be accumulating value as the gubmint destroys it). If they do less things, and we retain more of our own value, we'll be in a better position to handle our own affairs when they are no longer able.
That's the best I've got. The train is going too fast to stop and nobody has the willpower to try and pull the brake lever a little.
Yes. The binary thinking mode is deeply entrenched in US culture.
Lots of closed minds.
What's the solution?
i do believe the only answer to this engrained falty reasoning is happening as we speak. many are awakening and as more and more awaken to the truth, our collective awareness grows. the only thing that would prevent one from blossoming, so to speak, is their own will. in more simple terms, the more one invests in a lie, the harder it is for the ego to accept the truth.