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Forum Post: Poland Solidarity hero Lech Walesa warned Tuesday of a "worldwide revolt against capitalism" if the Occupy Wall Street protesters are ignored.

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 12:37 a.m. EST by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Solidarity hero Lech Walesa warned Tuesday of a "worldwide revolt against capitalism" if the Occupy Wall Street protesters are ignored.

"The demonstrations in New York are against this system," said Walesa, a former shipyard worker who led Poland's successful revolt against Soviet communism.

They are protesting the "unfairness" of an economy that enriches a few and "throws the people to the curb," Walesa told Polish television.

"That's why union leaders and capitalists need to figure out what to do, because otherwise they will have to contend with a worldwide revolt against capitalism," he said.

Walesa, a former Polish president who helped steer his country to a free market economy, weighed-in on the three-week-old protest as anti-Wall Street demonstrators prepared to take their grievances to the sumptuous homes of five of New York City's richest plutocrats




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