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Forum Post: Poetry inspired by the movement

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 3:26 p.m. EST by lazman905 (4)
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It's time It's time It's time

It's time to occupy the trading room floor, get off our rear, get in gear and occupy that wal-mart store. Let's barricade the bankers from their buildings while we march and shout and scream our feelings

It's time it's time it's time

It's time to petition the government for redress of those who sleep with monied interests or else we occupy the halls of Congress. The Wealthiest in the world won't just conceed defeat We need to siege and wait until they retreat.

It's time it's time It's time

It's time to occupy the heart's and minds of every people in every land for every time so we must stand as one and hold the line for it's your life and mine that is on the line this time.

It's time It's time It's time

Perhaps my words won't make a dent So I have just one more thought to present I am the Ninety Nine. Ninety Nine Percent, Represent.

by Dan Lazarus



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