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Forum Post: Poetry in response

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 2:27 a.m. EST by Traciesomepoet (1) from Erie, PA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Questions for You

What will the nature writer do when there is no more nature? Does the pen then turn on its owner? Human nature dictates landscapes of Modernity and its crashing in the hot flames of everything we refuse to notice.


It Will Regulate Itself

The market has no compassion. It shows no empathy

for human suffering. The free market creates

modern day indentured servants owned by the greedy rich who know

how maximize profits, while minimizing humanity. The market does not breathe, yet has corporate participants who have more rights than the barely

breathing, minimum wage

employees who, even when ill, have to drive sales, while the corporate employer has more

rights than its uninsured, under paid, exploited

citizens under the free market of greed.



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