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Forum Post: Poem: Occupy Wall Street

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 16, 2011, 8:34 a.m. EST by jimpinto (1)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Occupy Wall Street

Started mid-September, started out slow
Seemed like the jobless, with nowhere to go
Gathered to protest, their rights to proclaim
Occupied Wall Street; so that was their name

They protested that banks, who'd created the mess
Got bail-outs and bonus, with public largesse
The big banks conspired, they made it fail
The bankers got off, not one went to jail

Ours is Democracy, majority rules
Yet 1% makes the rest of us fools
99% squeezed, we have less and less
Poverty's spreading with widespread distress

Folks flooded Manhattan, crowds started to grow
The Media coverage was starting to show
The movement was spreading all through the land
In hundreds of cities, they were taking a stand

Politicians called it a mob, but fairly soon
They saw the numbers, they changed their tune
The wind's blowing this way for the coming election
Grass Roots reform from another direction

Our credit rating was under the gun
Partisan politics got nothing done
Congress must act, not partisan fights
WE are the People, and WE know our rights

Joblessness everywhere, 1 in 10 unemployed
Political deadlock has our system destroyed
Just one demand, one thing on all dockets
Keep Big Money out of political pockets

More jobs and fair taxes is what we demand
That's what WE want, our line in the sand
Numbers are doubling, every three days they say
And who'll make this stop? It won't go away.

By : Jim Pinto 15 October, 2011 email: Jim@JimPinto.com

This poem was written on October 15, 2011 while the "Occupy Wall Street" movement was just about a month old, and still growing. Many are confused with the message. This poem may help to explain. I'll appreciate your comments and suggestions as I prepare a YouTube video. email: Jim@JimPinto.com



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[-] 1 points by mbsss (92) 13 years ago

Who will create these jobs and how?