Forum Post: PLUTO'S PROTEST- An Astrologer's Perspective
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 9, 2011, 6:19 p.m. EST by OCCUPYORDIE
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
To those of you who are well-informed in Astrology or any other esoteric/spiritual discipline, you should know that these events taking place are of a Revolutionary Nature. In Astrology, when we see the concept of Revolution, we must point to the planet PLUTO, The Destroyer........ This planet of deep, profound change is OCCUPYING the constellation of Capricorn, the sign of the GOAT- The animal of rebellion and anarchy- It defies order. Ironically enough, Capricorn also represents GOVERNMENT...... The very last time Pluto was in Capricorn was during the 1776 American Revolution, where the PEOPLE were in control (emphasis on "people"). Now, my friends, we are re-entering a type of Energy that has not been felt for centuries. God/The Universe has granted us an opportunity to strategically "mold" our destiny by purpose, not default......... On September 16th, 2011, PLUTO has begun to give us a sufficient push of energy by going direct from its retrograde cycle in April 2011. During a retrograde, the energy of change is PULLED BACK, allowing us to plan and review the progress in our personal lives. IRONICALLY, the Occupy movement began ONE DAY LATER, thus commencing this particular seed of thought into a growth that the world now witnesses........ My friends, whether you realize it or not, the concept of change is now a part of your daily lives. Those who are resistant to this change will be forced to battle their own demons of insecurity and uncertainty. PLUTO is the ice planet, with very cold qualities, literally and figuratively. It is the planet of REVELATION as all the skirts are being lifted, and the shame is shown. Our ANONYMOUS brothers and sisters are working tirelessly to acheive this change, whether to their knowledge or not, PLUTO is the main suspect. PLUTO is the judge, we are the jury...... This next Full Moon in Aries on 10/10 will be historic. WE ARE ANONYMOUS
You're on the right track but I would say this season of revolution has more to do with the SQUARE aspect between the planet Pluto, as you said, and the planet Uranus, the true planet of revolutions and sudden changes. Uranus is currently at around 2 degrees in the sign of Aries and has been and will be squaring Pluto since 2010 and into 2012 in the early degrees of the sign of Capricorn where Pluto will be until 2024. Pluto in the sign of Capricorn, as you stated not only strengthens the power (one of Pluto's keywords) of authorities and government (Capricorn) but being the planet representative of the underworld, will also dredge up and force all the rot, corruption, secrets and backdoor underhanded (underworld) deals made by these same authorities and governments. Furthermore, Capricorn's natal house is the tenth house of the zodiac. The house of the world, so to speak. A house of destiny and fate and the highest point in the zodiac where planetary events that take place here, become visible to the whole world, thus a truly global issue which adds further truth to "the whole world is watching" chants of the protesters yelling at the authority abusing NYPD.
With Uranus, the freedom fighting ruler of the sign of Aquarius (the true sign of rebellion and anarchy, not Capricorn) squaring off against Pluto in Capricorn (Saturns rulership of Capricorn being taken to the extreme of absolute power and control by Pluto, thus police states and widespread corruption), this sets the stage perfectly and in a clockwork fashion for global revolution. Uranus, very powerful in Mars ruled Aries, takes on the role of "Freedom Warrior" who simply will not tolerate anymore abuse of power and corruption by the worlds pompous, wealthy leaders and financiers (Pluto in Capricorn) Only time will tell what the outcome will be. Yes you are also correct that Pluto was in the sign of Capricorn in 1776 when the US fought its first revolution. Pluto is about to return to its natal position in the US chart which takes about 250 years to occur. Seeing this I predicted months ago a new revolution would take place here inevitably but even I was surprised when it happened so "unexpectedly" and continues to grow so fast! Thats my two cents, hope that helps...
You are absolutely right, my friend. This not only helps me and others, but I hope I have helped you aswell. Watch out for this full moon tomorrow- Things are starting to get personal.
Umm, Pluto isn't a planet any longer, so all of this is irrelevant.
Your comment is not rational. Please respond with facts.
OK, Pluto is no longer considered to be a planet. FACT, QED.
Any thin else I can help straighten out for you?
One article by one source of information still does not prove the validity of your statement. Pluto exists... I suppose you want to call this a speculative observation, but my words are based on years of research and development, not small moments of clarity. You are skeptical, and that's fine, but there are countless sources that have already disproven your article. Dig a little deeper. And no, you haven't straightened anything out.
Do you care to share your source? I could list a plethora of source regarding Pluto's downgrade from planet status.
The main source of information is within yourself. Afterwards, the planets will present themselves to you. But for the sake of argument, you can check out these websites that track Pluto's transit on a DAILY BASIS- (primarily),, Pluto hit the Galactic Core back in 07', and it was a WELL-DOCUMENTED event. (See Michael Tsarion on youtube for Pluto info) If Pluto doesn't qualify as a planet, it wouldn't qualify for constant coverage, either. You cannot track something unless it exists. Agreed? Good.
My God, that's lame. I never said that Pluto does not exist, just that it has lost it's planet status.
"Planet Status" sounds pretty lame to me. Pluto is a living energy, not a status. I have really enjoyed talking to you, sir/madam, but I must terminate this conversation. I wish you luck in your journey for truth.
Wow, you are really out there, aren't you. Can't deal in simple fact? I wish you luck in your anit reality journey, whatever it is.
The Matrix has you...
Why is it that every time I read a reply from you the theme from "The Twilight Zone" plays in my head.
Pluto was a fucking monster and his allegory of the cave has lead to countless deaths, immeasurable suffering and a general degradation of the human race. It empowers leftist and dictators.
True, the stars and planets are aligned, and although I'm all in favor of taking down today's ineffective and inefficient Top 10% Management Group of Business & Government, there's only one way to do it – by fighting bankers as bankers ourselves. Consequently, I have posted the Strategic Legal Policies, Organizational Operating Structures, and Tactical Investment Procedures necessary to do this at:
if you want to support a Presidential Candidate Committee at in support of the above bank-focused platform.
I just looked at Stellarium and Pluto is in Sagittarius. You astrologers need to update your ephemerides a bit--they are 2000 years out of date. is more accurate and credible. Although its not the only source of my studies, look at the lower left hand side of the site. Pluto is in CAPRICORN @ 5 degrees. Pluto has not been in Sagittarius since 11/26/08.
I'm talking about astronomy! I looked as a planetarium program, not an astrological program.
Astronomy is of the structure of the planets, not their attributes. Astrology details the behavior of planets
I am quite familiar with astrology. I cast my first horoscope long before there were computers to do it. My point is that the ephemerides of astrology have no relationship to the actual sky. They describe where the planets would have been 2000 years ago. If you get out a telescope and look for Pluto you will find it just above Kaus Borealis, a star in Sagittarius.
Interesting indeed.
So astrology only pays attention to america? Where the hell was pluto during the french revolution? Or the Russian revolution?
You should research the year(s) of the Revolutions, and the sign that Pluto was in during that time. This will give you insight into the energy that existed. I focus on America because it is the country where The Illuminatst/Freemasons where formed, and is the superpower of the world. The world changed when America was established
You said the last time pluto was in Capricorn was 1776. So explain it. Also, the american revolution didn't happen in 1776, it spanned a few years before and after.
Pluto usually spends 13-15 years in a sign. You have to focus on the ENERGY that exists at the time of the change. Pluto wil also be in Capricorn for December 2012. 1776 was in the ballpark of Pluto's transit, so expect the NEW American Revolution on steroids.
holy shit!!! where's my rabbit's foot?