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Forum Post: please wait 0 minutes before making another post Read the Rules

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 9, 2011, 10:29 p.m. EST by ropeknot (359)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

It's hard to carry on a conversation when you have to wait 1 min. to reply !

Is there some one who can do something to eliminate this procedure ?



Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by deGrene (199) 13 years ago

I am told it is a "software thing"

[-] 1 points by kingscrossection (1203) 13 years ago

I get it all the time

[-] -1 points by irsfaggot (171) 13 years ago

It's quite complicated and very dependent upon your prior posting and reply behavior. If your seeing this alot try creating a new moniker that is generic and non offensive to the OWS Orwellian police. Then make sure you never talk about forbidden subjects. If you follow the above you'll find that message is rare.

On the other hand if you at any time post/reply with the forbidden keywords then you'll see that message on every reply.

Just telling you how the system is designed.

If you want to beat the system do what all the assholes here do, have several monikers, and have a few that are asshole avatars, and then have others that are PRO-OWS-CONSESUS, any time you switch back to POC you can do as you wish.

Just telling you how to play their game.

[-] 1 points by ropeknot (359) 13 years ago

Thanks ! I thought as much , but I see offensive quick replies all the time !

Am I black listed ?

[-] 2 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 13 years ago

ever quit a job for moralistic reasons ?

[-] 1 points by LetsGetReal (1420) from Grants, NM 13 years ago

I don't think it has anything to do with prior posting behavior or key words. I only get that message when I am posting a reply very quickly. It has nothing to do with the topic or the content of my reply.

[-] 0 points by irsfaggot (171) 13 years ago

It's a point system, so long as you never use the BLACK keywords then you get treated very well. Since in OWS-ORWELLIAN world, some animals are more equal than others.

BAD WORD's IN ORWELLIAN-OWS ARE ... ( note I will put spaces between all these bad words, otherwise this reply will be censored by the BOT )

R o n - P A U L



Z I O N ...

I M P E A C H O B A M A // is a big no-no

That's just a few but you'll get the idea ... there are taboo subjects, you'll just have to learn what to use and not use. There are 100's, but you can see what OWS finds offensive or not.

Every time you use a bad word they give you a negative point, ...this is inside the server code for the OWS-FORUM, there is a keyword table that lists all the bad words so it is possible to display the table if you change the python code that reads the database. But the database is manageable only inside the OWS-ORWELL command center.

[-] 0 points by Durandus (181) 13 years ago

If this is the attitude, speaking of OWS as if it were an outsider or an obstruction to your purpose and interest here, you are in the wrong place wasting both your precious time (if you have any) and that of others; except if you have no precious time and nothing to contribute to the Humane Values that are the promise of change for the world, and are aiming to put your sour attitude on front-street so that strangers can get a good look at your pimply ass and unwashed face...well, you've only succeeded in making a show of your degraded humanity...no better, really, than the paracitical homo erectus that is rampaging the world for slavery, war and death. A nice piece of company to be associated with.

[-] 1 points by irsfaggot (171) 13 years ago

I support your faith, but the code speaks for itself. The database and system exists as described, feel free if you can read code to learn how the system works.

Attack the messenger for what?

I judge people on what they do, not what they say. Your perception is based on feeling, my perception is based on what I see. I'm an anarchist, but I'm not a anarchist who hides my head in the soil and imagines that all humans have the same values.

The beast has given us this forum and while it lasts make good use, but DO NOT PRETEND that this TROJAN HORSE was a gift from the GOD of GOOD WILL.

[-] 1 points by Durandus (181) 13 years ago

Of course, of course...I don't imagine that at all...I have no delusions about the perfectability or ultimate sanctity of any system, per se...perhaps especially anarchic ones (no offense intended)...and yes, I will make a good-faith effort to make good use of the forum while I still maintain my belief that Cooperation here in the spirit of positive, practical change is as possible as it is desireable, mostly on the local level without high-flying ambitions to change the system from within, until such time as I lose my faith; at which point I will bid Adieu to the forum and proceed elsewhere where I may maintain my efforts for positive, practical change. I might recommend a similar strategy for others.

[-] 1 points by irsfaggot (171) 13 years ago


I say this all the time here, and OWS despises, but you seem to be a good guy with a heart, so I'll share,

Share your thoughts and use this forum as a tool to educate yourself and others, but trust nobody you have not met in person,


Should be our slogan,

Just like the banks tell the teller "KNOW YOUR CUSTOMER"

[-] 2 points by Durandus (181) 13 years ago

chuckle* I feel ya. I came here from Occupytogether where I spent the last month and fairly exhausted my spirit upon the company there with about as much personal reward as I expect from any conversation I run-up against/with at the university or my own hometown...which is just as well...and usually there is a voice or two with direct and relevant contributions among the clamor of contending bobbleheads. I take the experience with a grain of salt, sofar as my better expectations are concerned...I keep my faith, even if slightly above par of reality, as it appears.

But I'll tell you what I think about Models of Society...the one we have on the Competitive Model is dooming us, and will lead to certain and inevitable catastrophy. Our alternative will require a dramatic Paradigm Shift in the direction of Cooperation that will require the cultivation of a similar faith as I have just described briefly...an abandonment of Consumerism and Commercialism among The People themselves, a concerted effort in the direction of Non-Cooperation with the old Model and its Corporate perveyors, a withdrawal entirely from "getting and spending, laying waste all our powers" ~Wordsworth as the status quo ante OWS and associated movements of awakening...and this is what I imagine to be the core value of Occupy until this Shift is affected. This will require, in my estimation, a thorough discussion of Humane Values, humanitarianism, if you will, that should be the life's blood of the Human Family, and IS among healthy families everywhere, and among friends and true lovers.

For me, that meant opening my home to three disadvantaged People, my companions of heart who suffer from the abuses of this brutal system of competition, where we share resources, each contributing a minimum to the maintenance of our shared rescue (house AND home), with a large garden and water works (aquaduct and cistern...750 gallons) to catch and hold rain water for our purposes of health and cultivation. It's a project that I anticipated a few years ago but which has come to full-life and practice this year.

That's a start, and a kind of Model for the Cooperative spirit that calls out to us who have been captive slaves to this Competive Model for far too long. Next developments will involve self-sustaining energy capture in the form of solar panels and batteries...we may even have to resort to burning corn for heat as an auxiliary energy source.

Well, that's quite enough...but I'm sure you see how this Model at least begins to move, practically, in the direction of alternative to the status-quo. Good enough?

[-] 2 points by Durandus (181) 13 years ago

Oh, allow me to add that my invitation to these three others, my now companions, would not have worked, and will not work going forward, were I to insist on being The Boss (because I'm the homeowner) and having the 'authority' to dictate more terms than just the basic protocol of Cooperation...there being only a few simple terms, that being the minimum financial contribution to the mortgage (so actually the bank is still The Boss), cleaning up after one'self, and the basic standard of cordiality and respect towards each other and each others private space, which we all have and cherish...with commons being the kitchen, bathroom, laundry room, dining room, garage, and garden. The standard is an equal distribution of duty and reciprocal degree of respect...I've replaced a couple folks who could not maintain that minimum, as should and would any Cooperative in order to sustain itself. I have to wonder how many foreclosed homes could have been saved beforehand if the 'owners' had adopted such an adaptative strategy; but given the extreme and isolating Individualism of western culture, it's no wonder that such Cooperation has occured to so few...and we see the consequences, which in my mind are wholly avoidable, with a little ego sacrifice.

[-] 1 points by irsfaggot (171) 13 years ago

Yep, has to be done on a small scale, preferrable 100 people less self sustaining, All equal,... We have to get away from this centralized federal power shit, its what allowed wall-st to rob the world, DC made the laws, and Wall-st robbed the banks of the world Have to drop out of that world and their paper money, and live sustainable and barter,

just saying
