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Forum Post: Please STOP VISA holders in H1 L1 EAD folks from exploiting AMerican WORKER in our country - 6 Million Visa Folks waiting for Green CARD in our country..Cancel there VISA..SUPPORT AMERICAN CITIZEN

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 18, 2011, 10:09 a.m. EST by sam101 (2)
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OCCUPY WALLSTREET FOLKS - Please oppose the exploitation of US citizens.. As companies hire cheap H1 and VISA folks in our country inplace of American CItizens..We can solve all our crisis if we can cancel all these Visa folks and send them Home and let US citizens take that JOBS..Please Help us in Achieveing American Dream of Americans..

I oppose H.R.3012 - Fairness for High-Skilled Immigrants Act, and am tracking it using OpenCongress.org, the free public resource website for government transparency and accountability.

stand with the US citizens dear senators represtntatives..stand with them aganist there exploitation by the companies here in our home...Our Citizens with hefty student loans are out of work..our younger genration are starving because there parents don't have jobs...Our veterans are out of JOB...At the sametime companies hire VISA HOLDERS FOR work in our country...Indian and American companies..Do u know how many visa holders are working in our country in H1, L1 and EAD..there are 6 Million of these folks 95% from India and China..Do you know Indians companies in USA employ 1 Million Visa Holders mainly from INDIA..99% of these companies employ Visa Holders..they don't hire a single American...Fight for that people..Stop the discrimination against American Citizens..ALL Indian companies in USA hire only Indians or VISA holders..they just don;t hire an america..Take any example of Indian and American consulting BIG and small companies..Top 10 Indian IT and consulting companies employ more than 1 Million VISA holders in USA in H1, L1 B1 EAD and they have less 100 employees (mainly in admin work as receeptionist) as US citizens..same case for American companies...where WE GO ..FIGHT FOR THAT PEOPLE..SEND THESE VISA HOLDERS HOME..CANCEL THERE work permit..we will prosper again..fight for the real cause OCCUPY WALLSTREET FOLKS..Fight against these injustice people..Fight to Increase THERE VISA FEES TO 30k/year SO COMAPNIES CANNOT BRING IN CHEAP WORKERS BUT ONLY BRIGHT AND BEST CANDIDATES TO WORK HERE BY PAYING THE premium..We need people from across the world..across different race..Talent is everywhere in the world..But the scenario is perosn in Germany, France, Africa and Australia wants to come and work here cannot do that because for the last 10 years 95% of all Workd Visa listed above is taken over by Indians and Chinease..In 2011 even though our presideNt INCREASED THE VISA FEES TO $2000 , 82000 OUT OF 85000 IS FILLED BY NOW WHEN AN AVERGAE AMERICA CITIZENS IS HAVING DIFFICULTY IN MEETING ENDS MEET..stop this injustice..Cancell all these work visa's or increase there yearly fees to 30,000/ANnum so that corporates should be just replace an american worker with a CHEAP OVERSEAS WORKER




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[-] 1 points by Ritu (1) 13 years ago

Most of the people in H1, EAD hold master's degrees with some reputed Univ in USA also un employment in High Skilled sector is very less, in fact companies are posting job ads for months to get right candidates. OK Say we cancelled all these and sent them to India or China... then most of the all the 6 million tax paying jobs will be out will outsourced to India and China.. H1B Is not just restricted to India and China people around the world can apply... Still they can apply... But they are not applying becoz they are not seeing any advantage coming over to USA. Yes Indian companies are hiring Indians only.. that's true ... If you are offered a job in India will you go? After doing Master for 2 yrs and worked for 6 yrs don't you consider him as a part of your society? HR 3012 is not asking to increase Visa numbers it is asking to remove the country's cap... Say a guy from Egypt or Bahrain can get their GC in 6 months where as a guy from India will have to wait for 10-15 years to get it... do you think this is correct , yes it correct only if you hate Indians and chinese. GC has a very strict policy , it should be applied only if they couldn't a potential US citizen... Companies has to submit the resumes of the citizens who they got and why they are denying it .. if the GC sponsoring companies are manipulating this then definetly they need to be quarantined ... in my company one immigrant has been sent back to his country becoz they found potential citizen who can fill his gap.. He left happily becoz he made money and gained experienced what else we need? This is my 12th year .. I brought a house too, if you want me to leave I will, leaving my house to ghosts.. only bad thing is for my children which is big cultural change but of course they will cope up with that..

[-] 1 points by treesnow2 (1) 13 years ago

Please stop hr.3012 by be voted under suspension of the rule. It is controversial and needs to be debated extensively. It a lot of fraud and interests behind this.

[-] 1 points by vats (107) 13 years ago

what about accenture, microsoft, hp, ibm they all send jobs abroad ,occupy tehse companies

[-] 1 points by nomdeguerre (1775) from Brooklyn, NY 13 years ago

Amen, every country has a duty to its own citizens first. The world order should be sovereign countries all looking out (and negotiating) for their own economic national interest. We've thrown our own workers aside. Insane.

[-] 1 points by native (29) 13 years ago

the terrible grammar and spelling in this post serve to illustrate why we have recruited so many foreigners to work in science and medicine in the US. Many young Americans are too lazy, ignorant and illiterate to do these education intensive jobs!