Forum Post: Please stop banning Libertarians from this forum
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 3:11 p.m. EST by davidumstattd
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I have received several complaints of people being kicked off of this forum because they are Libertarians. So far three people (who will remain nameless) have made such a complaint. I certainly hope that these claims are false since for a movement to censor dissent when that movement is itself dissent against the establishment is the essence of both hypocrisy and Irony.
I, as a Libertarian who agrees with several of OWS's complaints take this charge against OWS very personally. I certainly hope that viewpoint discrimination is not the creed of OWS. If you were to let these Libertarians speak, I believe you would find that you have much more in common than you thought. Our complaints are very similar to yours, its just our solution is different.
Generally the purpose of a Forum is for several people of different opinions to debate and discuss, not for a large group of people who believe the same thing to agree with each other. I understand that this is your forum and you have the legal right to moderate it as you see fit but that does not make censorship and discrimination right.
If I am booted from this forum because of this post I can only assume that the OWS movement is not as freedom loving as they claim and that all our fears about this movement are correct.
Libertarians, for the most part, don't discuss. They push their views and refuse to accept facts. Furthermore They don't stop pushing their political viewpoint and will keep pushing it until people are pulling their hair out listening to their crap. Libertarian ideals are not main stream and not what the overwhelming majority of Occupy protesters believe in.
The main problem with Libertarians is really that they don't have the slightest idea what the Occupy protests are about. They are attempting to use it as an elect Ron Lawl movement... It's not about that. It's not about politics. It's not about your political agenda, mine, or some one else. It's ... not ... about ... politics !!! Until the Paul Fanatics realize that they will continue to get banned for being ANNOYING ! Yes, that's really why your getting banned. lol
Libertarians always claim that other people are closed minded, how about you guys try opening your minds and realize that we are fighting for something much bigger then Ron Lawl.
We don't appreciate them freedom loving types around here. They're part of the 1% who think they should have the right to control the product of their labor and hoard their money.