Forum Post: *~* Please SIGN the On Line Petition now circulating around the OWS Camps and around the World..**
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 21, 2011, 10:38 a.m. EST by Marlow
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
This is yet Another chance for the 99% to make a difference. This Petition was written by the 99% that has first hand experience of the Graft and Collusion the NYSE and it's Corporate Cronies have enjoyed without so much as a Bump in their road Reeming the U.S. Economy for the last 30 years... In the most BLATANT Way! ...It's time now.. Time to FIX it, Time to get them Indicted, and Join Maddoff in the Cells next to him.
Help us Expose the Criminals.. and send the Message we are all gathered around the Globe ..Screaming in one Voice.. 'Be Afraid!..Be VERY Afraid!"
'The Petition'...