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Forum Post: Please Set A Date for Mass Demonstration

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 8, 2011, 1:40 p.m. EST by scottpinkmountain (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Many thanks and much love to the dedicated people at the core of the occupation. Please know you are providing tremendous inspiration to many, many thousands who can't be there.

It would ideal if a day could be chosen (early Nov?) for a Million Person Occupation w/ enough time for people to get the word out and make plans to come and shut down lower Manhattan, do a full-on blockade of the stock exchange. Draw international attention.

This might also help focus and invigorate the folks at the core so that they can have a timeline and not be wondering how long they might have to stay down there sleeping on the concrete.



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[-] 1 points by zowhatian (31) 13 years ago

Always hit their pocketbooks.

Black Friday: Friday, November 25, 2011

[-] 1 points by MJT (138) from Phoenix, AZ 13 years ago

Why wait?! a call to action: 'Let's put some teeth into it people - line up and shut down their business, one account at a time. Bank of America is to banking what a child molester is to baby sitting. If you don't have an account at BofA (I salute you!) then line up in solidarity and ask as many questions of the tellers as they have time for as to why their bosses deceived the American people for a quick buck? Take their time up and question their judgement.

Take a bite out of corporate crime! Line up and close those accounts.

[-] 1 points by MuadDib (154) 13 years ago

Better yet, everyone overdraft your accounts and demand the overdraft fee money back. If you threaten them with small claims court they will just give it to you rather than pay for a lawyer and bother with court. Then shut your account down.

[-] 1 points by MJT (138) from Phoenix, AZ 13 years ago

You're a touch radical aren't you? You little devil. So long as BofA gets CRUSHED this next thursday - the world is watching.

[-] 1 points by MuadDib (154) 13 years ago

BoA has fucked me over so hard in the past. I actually did the overdraft thing and it worked. I even got them to reimburse me for the $40 it cost to file the claim in scc. Thank you Ralph Nader for an excellent idea.

[-] 1 points by MJT (138) from Phoenix, AZ 13 years ago

Good work - help pass this message along: 10/13/2011 is CLOSE YOUR BofA ACCOUNT DAY!

[-] 1 points by MuadDib (154) 13 years ago

Let's close all major bank accounts. Find a small bank or better yet, a local credit union. That's what i did and I couldn't be happier.

[-] 1 points by MJT (138) from Phoenix, AZ 13 years ago

I'm with you - I prefer to push the biggest bully out of the ring first.

[-] 1 points by MuadDib (154) 13 years ago

I can dig.

[-] 1 points by sudoname (1001) from Berkeley, CA 13 years ago

I think a saturday would be better, cause there are many in this movement who do have jobs. Blocking the entrances to wall st is pointless on any day, but blocking the streets would surely get attention.