Forum Post: *PLEASE READ* Proof of Censorship on This Board
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 7, 2011, 1:33 a.m. EST by TommyNYC
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Follow these steps and see what happens:
1) Visit the link to the thread below.
2) Post a comment.
3) Click the tab above labeled "Forum"
4) Look to the right at the "Recent Comments" column. Do you see your comment?
5) Now look at the list of threads to the left. Do you see the title of the thread?
With all other threads, when you post a comment the title of the thread goes to the top of the list. This title doesn't appear on the list whatsoever. Further, a google search of the title doesn't show any hits for this url.
-- new update --
I created my own topic with almost the same title, and it appears in the topics list, so whatever is blocking that topic doesn't appear to be based on keywords in the title, however...
I then pasted the original topic's entire contents into my test topic, and voila! My topic disappears from the Forums page.
I will now successively remove portions of the text until the topic re-appears, (to determine which keywords or content caused it to be blocked) and report back.
what you experienced is a soft delete. they did not remove it from the db, only the final markup. do you have the link? i'm interested in why they would remove it.
I deleted my test post.
It was virtually identical to
Okay, guess what?
Once my topic disappeared (apparently automatically), no amount of content removal caused it to re-appear -- neither the body nor the title.
Since it would be far to tedious to perform an additive test (waiting two hours between iterations), I will not bother.
As I see it, one of two things happened:
Either the content of the topic causes it to be automatically flagged, which is not also automatically removed when the content is changed, or a moderator manually flagged my test topic.
I have reasonably ruled out rendering flaws in the topic list code.
Read the code. Why make assumptions based on lame tests when you can read the code and see what is really going on? What kind of programmer are you? Why resort to conspiracy theorist style truth finding?
I have found the test to be consistent and by content.
While they hate R on Paul, anything about zionism gets their goat, and any hatred for Obama will get you deleted.
Just try writing about Obama and Zionism and say some really heavy true shit, and watch how fast..
The thing is this shit is topical cuz OBama is ran by Corzine/DIMON, and they're zionists from goldman-sachs and supposedly all OWS is about bankers, but funny the subject gets deleted everytime.
What do you want to bet this guy is trolling for comments on his article? I'm going to go comment, DELETE MY COMMENT, and report back.
One second...
--okay, I'm back.
My comment appeared in the "Recent Comments" column to the right on the Forums main page, HOWEVER:
TommyNYC is correct, the "END-THE-FED movement..." topic did NOT roll to the top of the topic list.
In fact, I paged down about 50 times, and this topic doesn't appear anywhere in the list.
Strange indeed.
Yes, the recent comment will show up making the OP think his post is live, but what they're doing is hiding the POST from everyone else, This algorithm is VERY clever and very deep in the code.
That's a lame test. If you want to know the truth, you should peruse the code on Github. This form is open-source software. There are no secrets. Do your research properly, and you will know the truth.
There's no need to indulge in conspiracy theories this time.
I am not suggesting a conspiracy theory. I am not a programmer so I don't know what you guys are talking about. The gist of it, from what I can tell, is that the censorship is built into the code of this site. Maybe its well meaning. Maybe they were getting spammed with posts about domesticterrorism or the like. Anyway, it's annoying because I put time into that post and I think people would be interested to read it.
I'm not saying you're a conspiracy theorist, I'm saying ScrewyL is because he is too lazy to look at the code and prefers to rest his case on assumptions. You made a correct observation, and he tried to explain it with mere assumptions when he could have used the scientific method instead.
Can you please explain to me why the google search comes up empty?,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&cad=b
Because the google bots have not indexed it yet.
All the other titles are being indexed, the one above was posted 45 minutes ago. My thread was posted two days ago, and it's still not showing up.
The reason is the Google bots have not indexed it because there is code telling the robots not too.
you truly are an idiot. surrounded by developers and you refuse to let go of your little ruse of knowing anything about the web.
Just look at the code. They block robot access when they shadow ban.
So, are you saying that I have been shadow banned? This thread shows up on the scroll no prob. Are there key words in my post that have blocked? Or did an admin block that specific thread?
It appears that something in the content of the post caused it to become blocked.
There is code in the software for this website which scans the content for words and flags the post as "Deleted"
richardkentgates sent me this post by nucleus which is very similar to yours, but is not getting blocked:
Some keyword phrase which is in yours, but not in that one, is causing your topic to disappear.
please, give us the snippet. you have it on your machine.
It's on Github. You can search for yourself. I don't do work for people who spam the site. You're a coder, so check it out. Why would I work for someone who just called me an idiot a few posts before?
Just download the code, put it in your IDE, then do a mass search on all the files. You know the HTML code to restrict robot access. You're a developer. It takes 5 minutes to do this.
that doesn't look like code to me dude.
What doesn't look like code to you? The files on the Github account? That's probably because you are not a programmer.
you still haven't produced anything. tell us dude. how does one manipulate what dose and does not get searched. you said code. i will post the answer once you reply. i will also describe how it is secured. you go first.
I'm a programmer, Thras; don't you think I thought of that? Configuration is different than Code. Think, man!
ZSP only has 2 answers in his BOT, read the code, or 'conspiracy' thats the only thing he has been taught so far.
The server is probably open source apache and highly modified both internally and with scripts.
ZSP in his adolescent mind likes to think all the world is HTML and Python because he's an idiot. His argument works in the 911-freak world, he just say's 'thermite bomb' and everybody goes silent, or he say's "2nd law of thermo' and silence, ... but that's all this bot knows it doesn't get any deeper.
You're conflating Thras and Myself, which is very amusing.
So, at the same time, thanks for the support, and FUK YOU.
(Respectfully) :)
No ZSP means zionist sock puppet and by that I mean Thra, I never get confused and always find your writing to be accurate, and find thra to be a sophist operating the in pants of a 10year old boy. Thra has even put zsp on his profile, he's quite proud of who he is.
Why use assumptions like conspiracy theorists? Look at the code.
There are many commits that deal with censorship. Have a brief look at the list. I have the code on my local machine. I know how it works, and you are wrong my friend. The funny part is you are too lame to check. Conspiracy theorists are all the same. You guys are scared to do real work to gather real evidence. Shame on you. Anyone can make fast-food type assumptions.
Here's the code for shadow banning 'en masse':
Again, there is no reason for probablies when you can simply check for yourself. Probably this, probably that, probably a Reptilian Overlord...
True, configuration could be a part of it, but if you would have looked at the code like I have you would have seen that server configuration isn't the problem in this particular case. Instead, you prefer to use the art of the conspiracy theorists. You build truth by collecting assumptions like a person collecting butterflies with a net.
Alright Thras, I did go and look at the code, and it would appear that you're not as versed in it as you imply.
The removal appears to be happening in lines 185 and 186 of occupywallst/
SpamText is defined as a database table in occupywallst/, line 645.
The column of that table is called 'text' and it contains a regular expression.
Point being, In this case, the answer to "which keywords are blocked by the system" is not contained within the code, but is instead stored in the database. This would fall under configuration for our purposes, not having access to the contents of that private data table.
--And it's no mere academic question. It is of the utmost relevance WHICH keywords the crowd intend to ban.
I dunno what to say about irsfaggot ^^ :/
Of course most of the black list is stored in the database. However, there are some hard-coded words and IP addresses.
Here is a commit targeting a particular IP.
Appreciate the addition you made there... I know a nice high horse you might like to ride.
Ah yes! The typical conspiracy theorist reply. Insult your opponent when there is nothing left to say.
I thought I was replying in kind.
ignore that dude. his argument is vague and evolves just enough to never be in agreement. he is a fake supporter and only claims to be a programmer. he is nothing he claims.
"His argument ... evolves just enough to never be in agreement"
I like the way you worded that. Precisely how I felt but couldn't verbalize.
Well then it's written poorly and I'd rather not waste my time ;) Thx bro!
The logic is all in the core server and not in the python, will you please go back to your mother zsp. They are both manually flagging things that don't like, and their is core-logic in the server flagging by subject line. Reading all the available public source code is a waste of time, they're not stupid, it would very stupid for them to make their censorship rules public, For instance we know that any use of "ron p a u l" becomes "Ron Lawl", where are they doing that? If ZSP has seen that logic show us?
What the OP is saying is true, that by topic and content of the subject line or certain words of content that your post is accepted, but goes to the NULL VOID, I think at this time this is well know the work around is to say A I P A C with spaces or F E D with spaces or dashes, ... they're looking for certain keywords, but there is definitely a MANUAL person flagging the shit, because everytime i have tried to write a post about how 50 years of zionism has ran our US congress into the ground which is true, this subject gets deleted everytime no matter how I phrase it. For 50 years A I P A C has controlled the US congress and therefore the US economy and now today the US economy has been destroyed. Destroyed by a foreign power.
I hear ya, but you're attacking both Thras and I using the same argument when the two of us disagree almost completely (the only common ground being that we hold similar opinions on the importance of rational thought)
Read below and you'll see that I located the offending code in the GitHub repository, but that the actual "trigger phrases" are in a database table called "SpamText", in a column called "text".
Also what about the mangle issue? So far I have only seen one phrase get mangled "R on Pa ul" becomes Ron Lawl. Are there others? Has anybody seen the source code and mapping table for these translations?
Sigh.. looks like i'm gonna have to git out my git.
Finally, some sense. My work here is done. Back to work, back to programming. Have a nice search my friends, and remember, science is the way. Don't David Icke this one!
Do we have access to the database? Can you print the tables 'spamtext'
It would be nice to know the trigger-phases, for once we know by science what OWS hates, then we know who they're being controlled by. By scientific reasoning
I could print the database 'spamtext', but I'm not going to. That's for jart to decide.
Then do it, for gawds sake we listen to you all day here in Bali, go on and on about the scientific method, and now we can once and for all publicly document the internals of the beast and you say no. For what you want the conspiracy to live or die?
I'm not in charge. Jart is. Bypassing her authority without permission is not morally correct.
Just write her a private message, or post a thread about it and ask her to publicly reveal the database tables and the hard-coded lines which deal with spam filtering.
Jart is a zionist lesbian she ain't going to work with any of us, who are you fooling. Since when aren't you the man you claim to be?
I have no idea what this means.
Jart is not a lesbian, she is a transgender.
Finally, you are looking at the code and can thus come up with scientific answers instead of lame assumptions. Now, look further and you will see that all spamtext and IPs are not in the database.
An example of a hard-coded bannee.
Yes yes yes, saw that weeks ago.
It is the example of a hard-coded IP ban.
This is from -
As you can see, his assumption was wrong. If OWS truly wanted to be non transparent, it would not even use open-source much less hard-code a IP ban. Be careful, assumptions are dangerous and do not lead to a sharp mind. Finding easy answers is the poison that kills conspiracy theorists dead in their tracks. Don't be a conspiracy theorist like irsfaggot. Don't assume, know. Try to be more like a scientist.
What the OP said is true. I never disagreed. I said looking at the code was the real path towards the answer, not making lame assumptions.
Here is one example of a commit that deals with censorship: The commit is called "Fuck this Guy" and automatically removes all posts coming from this IP 173.245.64. (The last number is missing so that any computer in that location is caught.)
All the other examples of censorship like Ron Paul are in the code. I'll let you have fun finding them. Again, why bother with conspiracy theory like assumptions when it's there for everyone to see?
The code you speak of is less than 10% of the body of the system. Why do you continue to point to the iceberg we see and ignore all else?
Because I have read the code and have seen with my own eyes where such words as Ron Paul get mangled. Because I want to encourage you to use the scientific method, instead of David Icke-ing it.
ZSP aka THRAmaqueseedodo says that everything is in the python, if that be true then show us where they're doing the mangle of " R O N P AU L" to becme Ron Lawl...
Show us ZSP ( zionism sock puppet )
Don't David Icke it. Be scientific. Look at the code.
In the name of science: