Forum Post: Please read, Include a new NUCLEAR REACTOR REFORMATION bill in current protests!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 2:18 a.m. EST by floatindownsligo
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Hello, before you click off thinking 'just another environmental nut-job against nuclear power' or a 2012 nut, just listen to what is being proposed:
I am not against nuclear power, but I am against the safety measurements- or lack thereof- that are currently in place for the power grids keeping the reactors cooled. I am not a conspirator and do never buy into all the usual BS which they are known to spew. However if a large Coronal Mass Ejection (solar flare) that is anywhere near the size of the one that took place in 1859, the electric grids- which are the Only thing supplying power to keep the reactors cooled- will collapse, and the reactors will be without power for at least several days. The first back ups that are currently in place in all of the nations over 700 reactors will last 24-72 hours, and after that they will rely solely on diesel generators.
The problem is that the diesel can only be procured through electronic devices which also rely on the power grid, which could very possibly be down in large areas of the nation for several weeks (please feel free to look all of this up yourselves, i am not really going out on any limbs here, this is information from NASA and others).
If we included in the protests, a reformation bill, which would take 10-20 % of only ONE YEAR of the nation's budget for Nuclear Power/Weapons, it would be enough to back up all of the generators, and keep the Nuclear reactors running safely. Again, this is not a protest against Nuclear Power, only to keep it safe, and prevent a very possible GLOBAL MELTDOWN.
We have proven that we have a voice and we can make a difference. This is relevant to every single living creature on this planet. Please understand that I am not a nut-job, only a very concerned citizen of this earth.
I don't get your point about fukushima not being insured, and by Town Hall Meetings, do you mean my local town hall meetings or is that a digital forum
go to the Town Hall Meetings. people seem to report success from those.
fukushima wasn't insured for earthquakes or tsunami's.
i've been checking the links and we need to wake up. what can we start doing to get this thing off the ground? is there anybody out there who has the resources or the social links? we need to start this movement now while we still can!
Hello, i was very skeptical first reading this, but after checking the links you provided and after some more independent research, it is very clear that we are going to be in for a very scary future if we dont ACT NOW!
i dont know why there aren't more people chiming in!
our power grid at the moment is so loaded, just a smaller version of the Carrington event could spell total disaster for the entire world !
Hello there, i too think we need to do something, and let the government know that this is a real threat that needs to be fixed! this is in our hands people come on! wake up! stop debating political bull this is what matters now!
yes, thank you thank you finally some people who are realizing the very real potential for a MASS EXTINCTION due to our negligence for keeping these idiots who run the nuclear plants in check!
thank you 'psconway' the fairewinds site is a good link. like 'rumgini2' said, we can change this in a week's time! Please people if you have any desire to keep living in the next few years this is relevant to you!
This is something that could be fixed almost overnight- i have looked at how much it would cost to protect the power grid, and it is less than what we spend in a month overseas we need to get to the streets and protest this, this is the most imminent threat and we need to do something who else is with me!??
When the nuclear industry can no longer buy seats in Congress, this will get dealt with quickly. Take a look over here and give us your input:
Also, an excellent source of information and truth on the industry:
Yea, we saw how Japan has played out- sending radioactive elements clear across the world, just imagine 500+!!!!!!!
Given what happened in Japan not long ago, most folks would probably be very receptive to this line of thinking (well some folks would say no nukes, no nukes). I expect that the nuclear regulatory agency already has some changes in the works in light of the events in Japan. I wonder if they've considered a CME triggered scenario?
Thank you people for responding. It disgusts me too, to no end, on how there is a very apparent problem right in front of our noses, and we are just scratching our asses arguing over Obama and how we can't afford to buy our Latte's now every morning.
it truly disgusts me from the bottom of my heart that so many people are off talking about their political preferences and trying to feel good about themselves when there is such an imminent threat at hand. Lets make this our most important issue !
I too have been appalled by the very apparent lack of interest of such a VERY EASY fix, please people, lets start this or we run the risk of not even being around in several years! Nuclear power is fine, just keep it safe from very obvious and inevitable dangers!
The fate of the entire planet from slipping into a Nuclear winter sounds a little bit more important than a few people not getting jobs. Lets start including this in our protests!
This sounds like a very valid and easy thing that we can accomplish, who else is out there?
If there is such a cheap solution to this why isn't there anything being done about these companies who think that something that happened only 130 years ago (and thousands of times before that) cant happen again!
I doubt its such a cheap or easy option to maintain sufficient cooling for an indeterminate amount of time w/o external power. I think this is a good place for regulatory agencies to step into things, to help determine what level of protection is needed for what sort of scenarios.
Although i also wonder, if in this scenario where there's no physical damage to the facility, if the nuke could provide the power required for cooling even if the grid was offline?
Hello there, like you, I have also been reading about the current safety of the power grids, and I personally find it appalling that there is nothing being done about protecting really the only thing which is keeping the nation and the world from going into a nuclear holocaust- this time not from weapons, but from fuel production! we need to change this, and it is such a cheap and easy- relatively speaking- thing to change!
Please comment and keep this thing on the top of the page, this is relevant to all of you, please just look it up yourself.