Forum Post: Please read and add input
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 10:56 a.m. EST by RationalReaper
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
We need a graduated flat tax
Everyone who is working should contribute regardless of pay scale. Most minimum wagers are living with mom...they too should contribute.
I feel if we have a graduated flat tax system that does away with tax deductions or loopholes. A one page tax code where we will find fairness for all and equity for the country.
If you earn
$1- $10, 5%
$10,000 - $20, 10%
$20,000 - $30, 15%
$30,000 - $40, 20%
$40,000 - $50, 25%
$50,000 - $75, 30%
$75,000 - $125, 35%
$125,000 and 40%
bump up
How did you decide on these particular percentages? I ask because it seems to me that just choosing tax rates looks at the issue backwards--let's figure out how much we can take away form people, and we'll figure out how the government should spend it later.
I think a more appropriate approach would be to ask, "What do we want our government to do and what are the necessary funding levels to accomplish that?" Only when we have answered those questions can we determine "fair" tax rates.
It's just an example...that is why I asked for input...we need to face this problem as a nation
So if I made $125,000 I would keep $75,000
But if I made $120,000 I would keep $78,000
Makes sense to me