Forum Post: Please read
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 8:33 a.m. EST by dirtdevl
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Love the work but you guys need a leader. You need someone who can talk to TV stations, do interviews. You need a face. Its the only way its going to work.
No, you think we need a leader because that is what you are used to. It is easier to attack and demonize a person than a whole group.. Once we get a leader we will be destroyed or corrupted. We will address the world as a group. With consensus. And most likely by letter, not in person.
We are all leaders. Anyone who wants to be interviewed can be. This spreads the message that this is about all 99% of Americans being encouraged to join this movement.
What are our goals? By discussing online and in person, we're coming to consensus on what goals we ALL agree on.
The moment one leader is singled out, we lose people. If someone is moderate, we lose the fringe on both sides. If we take someone on the left, we lose the right (and vice versa).
Everyone is a leader. The key is to be involved.
Thus far we have a perfect example of what I call "The Ouija Effect" where many hands guide a single effort, without a single leader... A movement will evolve out of this...and solutions will rise to the surface... Democracy in Flux... let it run its course without creating central leadership..
There is a point here. Most people need to connect a movement to face and a person for emotional reasons. Locking ourselves out of a large percent of minds without at least a spokesman (who does not necessarily need to be a leader).
Not much leadership in this bunch. No likes cry babies.