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Forum Post: Please help me save my home from Bank of America

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 17, 2011, 10:11 a.m. EST by RandyInTennessee (2)
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I have tried to get help from Bank of America in getting a lower mortgage payment. I was on the Home Affordable Unemployment program, or so I was told, but someone at BOA suspended the program, did not tell me, and therefore created a mortgage arrears of nearly four months and $8,000. For two and one half years we have sought options to keep our home. This past year, we are trying to pay a mortgage from 1/3 of what we had for household income. I do receive unemployment and there is some additional household income. I am wondering how I might petition signatures from OWS supporters hoping this would encourage BOA to grant an in-house loan modification. None of the government programs, HAMP, MHA have helped. HAMP does not modify loans if you receive unemployment. When would a person might need a loan modification? Maybe when they are unemployed???



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