Forum Post: Please do not do this again DC
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 1:26 a.m. EST by peacejam
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I would be arguing pretty stridently for us to let this guy videotape if I were at this meeting. This movement is about civil engagement. Everything about this movement needs transparency. Don't form secretive enclaves. You don't have to broadcast anything, but if you are out in public staging a protest, you look immature, silly, and weak-kneed telling a guy to stop raising awareness to the cause. You can't represent the 99% in secret! Don't be dicks about it ppl! I want a 99% that represents me. I want to be able to watch some of these meetings online, to be honest, if you guys would upload them. I live far away from a big city, can't make it to a group meeting right now. This is a movement about raising awareness and civic participation.