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Forum Post: Please define the 99%...

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 4, 2011, 4:54 p.m. EST by glooskap (64)
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...in one sentence, 20 words or less. I really need to get an understanding of the common denominator here.

No dissertations, no weblinks, PLEASE...one sentence. Thanks!



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[-] 1 points by glooskap (64) 13 years ago

I think I get it now.  I give it 2 weeks, 3 weeks max based on what I'm hearing.  Then again, with unemployment benefits extended to 99 weeks, I'll give it 96 more...

[-] 1 points by anonymous (48) 13 years ago

all blacks, all mexicans, middle-class whites and NOT asians or jews. ^ there's one sentence for ya

[-] 0 points by emanonman (36) from Lahaina, HI 13 years ago

The 99% - people like all of us who - face facts - actually live in fear that their job will be outsourced or ended to maximize next quarters profit statement; people who live in fear that they will get sick and all their hopes and dreams will be mortgaged to get them well. People who live in fear in neighborhoods that are unsafe and unkind because of inequality and hunger and hopelessness. People who are a paycheck or two from being destitute when all they've done their whole lives is play by the rules.

the 99%? -- Our brothers. Our sisters. Our parents. Us.

[-] 0 points by HankRearden (476) 13 years ago

The ones who CAN'T PRINT MONEY and are ruled by those who can and do.

[-] 0 points by garvan (52) from North Bergen, NJ 13 years ago


[-] 0 points by BJS3D (95) from Eugene, OR 13 years ago

We are the 99% who are strictly governed by and for the 1% who manipulate a self-serving system for personal gain at the expense of the 99%.

[-] 0 points by clpblank (1) 13 years ago

Average American who is fed up with a bought and paid for government, by the rich for the rich, simple.

[-] 0 points by Justakid (40) from Villa Rica, GA 13 years ago

99%: A large majority of Americans that do not benefit from, or are negatively affected by, corrupt financial institutions.

[-] 0 points by feDup (37) 13 years ago

From what I've gathered today... People who believe Wall Street should be held accountable because people wanted to live beyond their means, took out loans and didn't pay them back.

[-] 2 points by BJS3D (95) from Eugene, OR 13 years ago

It's not as simple as that. Wall Street was afforded tax dollars as bailouts while these so-called overextended people were being foreclosed upon.

Hind sight is 20/20 but you can bank on this: Wall Street could see the fallout coming long before the average employee could see their job evaporate into thin air. Wall Street got their bailouts, the banks foreclosed and people were left with nothing.

When you've reached a point whereat you're comfortable enough in your employment to take on a mortgage, then subsequently have that job and others like it fade, maybe you'll be feeling that justice has been served when you get your notice to vacate your home... while the very bank that's tossing you to the curb is using your tax dollars to maintain their stability.

[-] 1 points by feDup (37) 13 years ago

Yes, but they were bailed out by.....THE GOVERNMENT. The government also cut rates on the federal reserve to allow the whole thing to happen. I'm just confused about protesting Wall Street and not the government. Probably more people on Wall Street lost their jobs than anywhere else too.

[-] 1 points by BJS3D (95) from Eugene, OR 13 years ago

That I can agree with. I think a march on DC would be more appropriate but, hey, it's a budding movement. There's plenty of time to gather the masses for a march on Washington.

[-] 1 points by dreadsPoverty (93) from Mankato, MN 13 years ago

Or couldn't because said bank kept increasing their interest rates. Yeah, that's an unfair game changer.

[-] 0 points by joeradmacher (40) from Kansas City, MO 13 years ago

The 99% of individuals that want to take back our country and rid it of Corporate and Political Corruption.

[-] 0 points by smfrmrntx (12) 13 years ago

Speaking for me, I'd say its the folks who support the 1% in their lifestyles at our expense...smile