Forum Post: Please BEWARE of conspiracy theories like this one
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 18, 2011, 6:07 p.m. EST by takeTsquare
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Greetings form TTS (Occupy Spain:
We came across with this stupid post:
We are not worried at all, this is a crappy attempt to spoil the fun. OF COURSE the platform Real Democracy NOW (Spain) foresaw that we were going to TAKE OVER the whole planet! we are Spanish don't forget it :) the event was offciallly launched in May 31st, so July 12Th was actually a delay on the schedule. We came across these kind of comments many tomes since we started, we are used to it. Please, if you need the proofs that refute this theories, I am willing to give them to you. I take this opportunity to invite you to join the Global Network:
All the best, TRD