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Forum Post: Plato's Republic

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 3, 2011, 3:30 p.m. EST by sallyc (2)
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++++++ in pdf format http://www.multiupload.com/NG20VY0K52 ++++ mp3 part 1 http://www.multiupload.com/OFJJCNZD60 mp3 paRT 2 http://www.multiupload.com/JKSXL4KG6K MP3 part 3 http://www.multiupload.com/AWSR56BETI mp3 part 4 http://www.multiupload.com/NYNGSUDFTT +++++

The Republic, is the supreme product of Plato's most mature years, thought, and style. It contains virtually the entire universe of Plato's philosophy.

The word "republic" is from Latin: Res publica means "public matters" or "the state." In Greek, the title was the Politeia, which means the Constitution. But the Republic does not start out about politics. It is initially a familiar kind of Socratic dialogue about justice, just as the Euthyphro is about piety and the Meno is about virtue. The Republic is divided into ten Books. Each of these was originally what would fit onto one papyrus scroll. [By late Roman times, the scrolls were cut up and sewn together into codices, or the kind of bound books that we continue to use.] The entire first Book of the Republic may originally have been one of the standard early dialogues that Plato wrote about Socrates. Later it was expanded. Unusual features of the dialogue, however, are (1) that Socrates [note well that Plato continues to use Socrates to speak Plato's ideas in all his mature works] actually narrates the entire thing, (2) that he speaks with a large number of people, not just one, (3) that these include two brothers of Plato himself (Glaucon and Adeimantus), and (4) that, after the dialogue about justice proceeds in the fashion that we expect of Socrates, things take an unexpected turn: One of the characters, the sophist Thrasymachus, begins to object that he knows quite well what justice is, and that the kinds of definitions the others have been giving are nonsense. +++training web page http://tinyurl.com/7rvpv43



Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by GypsyKing (8708) 13 years ago

I think, given a very well known troll on this site, everyone should read the argument given by Thrasymachus. It is the straightforward, and bullying argument that virtue, in The State, is whatever is in the interests of the strong.

[-] 1 points by GypsyKing (8708) 13 years ago

Regarding this question, where are all the academic philiosophy professors, and other academics in this discussion? I think I have encountered only three or four people on this site who know a sufficiently great amount of very little to qualify as academics.

Hey guys and gals, don't just sit there on your sinctures when you finally have an actual opportunity to do something. That might make us think you're cowards and what you're teaching isn't worth listening to. Just imagine!

[-] 1 points by SisterRay (554) 13 years ago

I'm an academic philosopher (in training). I'd be happy to discuss Plato's Republic. But there's no question in this post; it's just a poor introduction to the dialogue. Unless there's something to discuss here, I'm going to go back to my cowardly work.

[-] 1 points by GypsyKing (8708) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago

Greek history is fascinating.

But I confess, Plato's intricacies give me headaches.

Are there any repelicans in the house?

Would they care for some . . . .

meat pie . . . .?

[-] 1 points by GypsyKing (8708) 13 years ago

Yes, but you didn't finish and say what his opinion was.

In any case Plato's Socratic dialogues are well worth reading. I think in his old age, after the death of Socrates, Plato's work suffered some decline; because it was Socrates who was his mentor.

[-] 1 points by vincentg (5) 13 years ago

please excuse thasymaque, he thinks he was there? and has deluded himself into believing things that are all screwed up- don't get him upset.

[-] 1 points by GypsyKing (8708) 13 years ago

Sage advice.

[-] 1 points by vincentg (5) 13 years ago

Just tell him he was found guilty and he must drink "Poison Hemlock" ** problem solved**

[-] 1 points by GypsyKing (8708) 13 years ago

If I even remotely dreamed he was a Socrates, I wouldn't dream of it. Being who he is however It would solve a lot of problems.

[-] 0 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

You're exchanging with a lame troll now. Funny! You do realize that sallyc, vincentg, applepie, bobby4, jsmith... and hundreds more are all from the same company advertising the link to http://global-human-rights.us//home/

And, what's up with passing along false information about Plato?

[-] 0 points by Adeimantus (23) 13 years ago

I hate to say it, but Thrasymaque is right. Plato's most profound works were written after the death of Socrates, not before. The Republic is a good example. It's important to note that Socrates never wrote a word, so we don't know how much of Socrates in Plato comes from Socrates and how much comes from Plato. Plato was a master just like his teacher. Some would say he even reached higher grounds. He did just fine after the passing of Socrates.

[-] 2 points by bobby4 (26) 13 years ago

thanks - i was out of line, i should not have answered as i did. it won;t happen again.

[-] 1 points by GypsyKing (8708) 13 years ago

Alright, I'll admit it, I said that just to piss old Thras. off. Perhaps in the process I thought I might get a few people to look into Plato for themselves. Yes, for the record, there was no one greater than Plato, ever, at any time in his life. Old Thras. is just such a disgusting sophist that . . . well, you know. Sorry, it won't happen again.

[-] 0 points by Adeimantus (23) 13 years ago

No problem. Thrasymaque is my sophist alter-ego. Don't bother with his comments. Read Glaucon and Adeimantus instead, both students of Socrates. If you see other characters from The Republic, they may also be me. Look for a clean spelling starting with a capital and without numbers. When in doubt, just ask or look at the style of my posts. Those posing as me do not write so well.

[-] 1 points by GypsyKing (8708) 13 years ago

The only advice I have for people who have "alter-egos" is to get some fucking counciling. I'm serious.

[-] 1 points by Adeimantus (23) 13 years ago


[-] -1 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

That last idea of yours is highly dubious. Plato was 30 years old when Socrates died at the age of 71. Plato went on to live until the age of 80. Most of his important works were written well after the age of 30. You just expunge anything from your head without given it the slightest thought.

[-] 0 points by applepie (17) 13 years ago

Socrates did die at the age of 71, 399 B.C. but Plato then was 58 . Plato only wrote one thing after the death of Socrates.

[-] -1 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

You might went to check your dates. Plato was born in 428-427 BC. He was around thirty in 399 BC when Socrates died. He wrote many works after the death of Socrates. This is historical information and can easily be found on in a number of sources. Go to your local library and do some research.

[-] 1 points by bobby4 (26) 13 years ago

? thrasymaque first you said plato WAS 30 years old? now you say he was around 30 years - do you make thing up as you go along? check your meds.

[-] -1 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

We are not sure exactly when he was born (428 or 427). He was either 28 or 29 when Socrates died. I rounded the figure to 30 for readability. He was certainly not 58. You should know this bobby4, applepie, sallyc... and thousands more. Now, give us your link again to the training website.

[-] 1 points by jsmith (22) 13 years ago

you are always posting on this site, continuously, saying stuff that isn't true. clearly you make things up. try thinking before you speak. if you don't know something, just say you don't know- no ones perfect.

[-] -1 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

What did I say that wasn't true? Open a history book. Check the dates. Anybody can acquire this information. Stop acting like a brainless child. You write about Plato and you never even read one of his works. Lame. Stop writing nonsense. It makes you look ridiculous. Stick to re-posting your crappy 'training' website link.

[-] 1 points by jsmith (22) 13 years ago

i don't understand? i wrote about Plato? i have to go- have a nice day

[-] -1 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

Bye bye Ms. applepie, or is it sallyc?

[-] 1 points by jsmith (22) 13 years ago

any thing you want to call me by is ok, just don't get upset. chow.

[-] 0 points by applepie (17) 13 years ago

thasymaque i checked , you were right, i am sorry- Plato Born: c. 428 B.C. Birthplace: Athens, Greece Died: 347 B.C.

[-] 1 points by OccidentWillStrike (42) 13 years ago

Oh, a teach-in...

[-] 1 points by nucleus (3291) 13 years ago
[-] 0 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

A quick copy/paste from the Internet and voilà!... another excuse to link to your crappy website.

[-] 1 points by gjames (3) 13 years ago

crappy website--- http://tinyurl.com/7rvpv43