Forum Post: Place your Demands here.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 8, 2011, 10:01 p.m. EST by gabrielaurr
from Miramar, FL
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
We need a list of demands, to have direction for this assembly. We need to compile the demands and then vote to decide which are most important. My demands are: Increase taxes by percentage on the upper class. Decrease tax breaks for the wealthy. Stop making the richer richer. Bring back the capitalism that our founding fathers established when the federal income tax was a progressive tax , meaning that people with higher incomes pay a larger percentage of their incomes as taxes than do people with lower incomes.
Tax the bottom 50% who pay nothing now Tax all Internet usage $1/hr Tax all food stamps Tax all vagrants living in public parks over 2 weeks Tax all ignoramuses who try to spout history in error
BTW, the federal income tax was first tried in 1862, abolished, then made legal in 1913.... I believe the "founding fathers" were dust at both times....
Also, regulate the remaining natural resources of this country and planet by taking the approach that unless a resource was extracted from the planet sustainably, that it was extracted illegally, and can therefore not be sold legally.
Kegan C. (1) Restoration of the full provisions of the Glass-Steagall act. (2) Reinstatement of The Estate Tax. (3) Creation of tariffs on all corporate profits that are shipped to offshore tax havens, or consider such profits fully taxable under current provisions. (4) Place the long term sustainability and well being of the US and her people as the top priority of government by investing in education, retraining, scientific research and technological innovation via public funding that is fully transparent. (5) Serve, above all, the living, breathing people of the United States, rather than the acquisition of unlimited, unregulated profits by American and multinational corporations.
First things First! Take the Government Back From the NY Banking Crowd!! Petition for 1. Limit on campaign spending. It is proven fact that whoever spends the most wins, in steps wall street.
please watch this movie trailer and spread the link to as many people as you can. This movie promises to expose many of the worlds problems and pin points the single main initial solution, "FREE ENERGY", and a new economic model based on abundance instead of scarcity.