Forum Post: PISSED Just got put out of Zucotti Park by guy with blue wristband.
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 12:36 a.m. EST by Occupy4people
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I dont know what the hell is going on but I have been at Zucotti Park sense Sept and I was just told to leave and not come back for not telling a guy with a wristband where my tent was. These people are ripping our movement apart by the seams. They have told atleast ten people to leave and not return. We need every person we can get. Guess wont be back...
There is a "NO drug/alcohol" policy at Zucotti Park. This is a protest, not a party. It has a greater purpose.
I think it was the Troll Patrol!!!!!!!!!!!
Take pictures. Encourage other people to take pictures.
Be discreet but thorough; try to get faces. Get the data off of the recording devices and onto the internet or otherwise out of the easily-seized devices. Stay safe.
Note: I've got a couple contacts calling hoax on this. If it's fake, we'll know soon enough. If it's not, take those pictures!
I guess it could be private security, undercover police, or possibly......The groups who started this and thought that everybody that would particpate was going to be a brainwashed stooge. Now they're seeing that the PEOPLE involved are not as dumb as they thought, and they want to squash it before it turns against them? Just a thought.
Yup. Probably the union guys. You didn't really buy that whole people who just 'spontaneously' came together thing did you? ; )
Probably private thugs the Koch bros hired.
Could be since they're actually getting something done. lol
Well your not the only one just told to get the fuck out or be put out...
I agree completely with imrational. This is not a party. I'm not against drugs, but by breaking the law, you are feeding right into the hands of those that want to discredit the movement. We are the underdog - PLEASE don't give the 1% the ammunition they are looking for to kill us off.
you don't need anyones permission to protest. there are going to be sub-groups everywhere trying to take control. i have seen no news clip on here or the GA site that says anything about blue bands. go back in and tell them to get bent.
WTF? Whose authority is that?
Just stay. Are you really just going to leave your own movement because somebody said? Just because somebody had a colored band on their arm? /:}
Well your not the only one just told to get the fuck out or be put out...
They are the 1%
Was he black? If he wasn't, it could have just been another OWS protester playing a prank.
They told me to leave today when I was smoking some pot around the tables. They were really pushy. I don't know what is going on over there. We need to send someone to find out who they are
Ah... I see... well, you do understand you're risking the entire group that is there by doing something blatantly illegal, right?
It was blatantly illegal in the 60s wasn't it?
sigh :) They're having a lot of trouble with people discrediting them as 'pot-smoking, dirty college students with no real idea of what they want, no jobs, whining', etc. - I'm saying this is probably why they're urging people not to do things like smoke pot in the group. Also, this opens up the cops to have a justifiable reason to make arrests - they're fighting this as hard as they can by keeping the protests peaceful, and avoiding doing illegal acts whenever possible, with the exception of violations done in conjunction with exercising their right to assemble, and free speech. Just saying this is why I suspect they don't want this happening. You can go ask them for the real deal, though - mine is only a guess based on what I've seen thus far.
@e000 I completely agree. I believe the war on drugs needs to end, but this movement is about so much more. We can't allow ourselves to be marginalized, or give police the impetus to raid our settlements.