Forum Post: PICK A PRESIDENT - Not a Party - Take part in the first national online primary.
Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 9, 2012, 11:03 p.m. EST by SparkyJP
from Westminster, MD
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
For any of you that like the idea of voting online to select a presidential candidate for 2012; and then putting them on the ballot in all 50 states .......... you gotta check this out -
From their site:
Take part in the first national online primary.
What is Americans Elect?
Americans Elect is the first nonpartisan nomination. We're using the Internet to break the gridlock in Washington, open up the political process and give every single voter—Democrat, Republican or independent—the power to nominate a presidential ticket in 2012. Your voice matters. You decide the issues. You choose the candidates. And in a secure, online convention next June, you will make history by putting the Americans Elect ticket on the ballot in every state.
With Americans Elect, you have the power to choose leadership that puts country before party, and America's interests before special interests. You have the power to change politics as usual.
Is Americans Elect a 3rd party?
Americans Elect is a "2nd way" to nominate a President, not a traditional 3rd party. Our process is open to any qualified candidate and any registered voter—no matter their party. We have no ties to any political group—left, right, or center. We don't promote any issues, ideology or candidates. None of our funding comes from special interests or lobbyists. Our only goal is to put a directly-nominated ticket on the ballot in 2012.
This really could make a difference. They already have 2.4 million people !
So far Ron Paul is in the lead; but it's still early and this can change. Nominate your candidate ......... if he (or she ) wins, they'll be on the ballot.
I'm voting green unless convinced otherwise
If I don't like the candidate that Americans Elect nominate, I probably will too; although I do have my eye on Rocky Anderson. It's still too early to tell.
there's was some mayor from Utah that sounded good
Yeah, that's Rocky Anderson. He does sound good and it seems his position on the issues has remained the same over the years, ie., he's not just taking advantage of the situation.
You're voting "green"? That's just so predictable,no wonder your comments are so damn ambiguous and incoherent.
What about the people who don't either have CPU's or know how to use them? Are they not disenfranchised?
Yes, they are disenfranchised in this primary; but they will be able to vote for the candidate of their choice in the general election.
Really? How do you plan to guarantee that? You seem over confident.
Because when they go into the voting booth (for the general election) - they have the same ballot that everyone else does. Doesn't your state list all of the candidates on it's ballots? Doesn't your state allow you to vote for the candidate of your choice?
Disenfranchisement of any kind is not a good thing. There are those that would have the general election also done by home computer.
Yeah, I feel disenfranchised when I can't vote in the Rethugs or the Dums (I'm independent) primary here in Maryland; because we still have closed primaries. And yes; I'm one that would like the general election done by home computer; but on something more secure than today's internet. Something like this perhaps -
I agree that disenfranchisement of any kind is not a good thing. It is of utmost importance that every voice is heard. Mail-in ballots could be used as an alternative voting method to home voting. We're not there yet though.
No it won't make a difference.
We shall see my friend; we shall see. People are getting tired of the Dums & Rethugs pushing their corporate agenda and leaving them out to dry. They want change. You can see it in the Rebub primaries and obama's #'s. They are losing their support.
You can see it in OWS and the Tea Party. Change is in the air!
Cheers :)
SparkyJP, You're absolutely right. This is why so many, even people interviewed in the streets for our local Reno News and Review have said they are prepared to make a Write In Vote. Does anyone remember the last time a candidate won based on a Write in Vote? Well, it happened as recently as 2010 in the Alaskan Senate race between Lisa Murkowski and Joe Miller, see: "Sen. Lisa Murkowski defied the odds and defeated her Republican opponent Joe Miller to become the first incumbent, and only the second person in history, to wage a successful write-in campaign for a U.S. Senate seat."
If you don't like any of the candidates prepare to make a Write In Vote and don't forget, your Write In Vote will not Count unless you spell the candidate's name correctly!
You make a very good point. Write-ins can make difference; if enough people write-in the same name. One thing I personally would like to see on the ballot is NOTA - None Of The Above. We should not only be able to vote for a candidate; but we should also have the ability to reject the choices that are offered.
I agree. Also, would really like to see the option of open primaries with no need to register as any particular party member.
I wish you were right.