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Forum Post: Phase 2 "All occupy cities band together to protest together in Washington DC" Share the holidays in DC a winter occupation... sticking it out for the 2012 elections!!!

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 11:49 a.m. EST by AtomicZ (149)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

One logical conclusion here is the tax revenue used directly or indirectly by each city to support OWS... If one teacher or firefighter or peace officer looses their job due to cutbacks from diminishing tax revenue in the "O" cities then OWS is doing a disservice to that city... Which flies in the face of the principals of a moral society. Which you are all here to uphold. Moving the party to DC will create a fresh media event [ keeping OWS on the radar ] and will relieve any city services now in place to support OWS in all of the major cities - You all now and are living the financial meltdown... OWS simply does not have the luxury to use the public money in this way. Collectively OWS relocation into DC [ not sure about this ] would be taping federal money... peace AtomicZ...



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