Forum Post: Pharmaceutical Corps: Profit over Cure
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 22, 2011, 8:40 p.m. EST by TrevorMnemonic
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What's the plan? To profit off the poor man's habits. Pharmaceutical corps made a nation of drug addicts. They don't want a cure they want money while you're a dope fiend.
I know. Big Pharma's goal is to create life-long pill popping addicts who are big business to them.
In regards to the cure for terminal ill, the sad fact is it is more profitable to treat the symptoms of terminal illness, then to administer the cure. Big Pharma and terminal illness
Big Pharma and other illnesses/conditions
The sad truth is that Big Pharma is not interested in the cure for diseases because too much money treated the symptoms of the disease would be lost. Cures are not all that profitable to them.
It is really messed up I know. I share you disgust over this whole matter as it is outright disgusting.
Thanks for the links! I love real information!
Pill Poppers:
Damn. It takes the edge off just to know that I'm not alone on this issue. I am fed up to my eyeballs with the pharmaceutical industry. Their obscene charges, ridiculous non-disease crap they treat, rotten marketing tricks, and NEVER ENDING BRAINWASH PLOTS ON TV. VIRTUALLY EVERY SCENE OF VIRTUALLY EVERY SHOW PLUGS PHARMACEUTICALS. IT HAS RUINED TV. ABSOLUTELY RUINED IT FOR ME.
Stinking rotten over-priced, unnecessary, pharmaceutical crap. The legitimate market for their product is just a fraction the size of the market they have CREATED by making people STUPID.
Wow. You are spot on here with what you said.
Also, in regards to medical and mental conditions, you ever notice how there are some very vague symptoms listed for diseases and broader definitions for mental illnesses. This is a net set out to catch as many Americans and get them on drugs (whether they truly have a medical illness/condition or mental illness).
Americans are not only over-medicated, there are plenty of them that are unnecessarily medicated. Check out the Huffington post article I send you previously. It pretty much says it all.
Yeah. I've noticed that too. They even include stress and anxiety as symptoms of mental illness. They may as well include having skin. Its insane.
I don't remember the page. Can you post the link again? I'll read it tonight for sure.
Here it is.
I am heading off this forum right now. Hopeful I will chat with you soon again about this.
You say that until you get sick with something only a pharmacy can give you.
Of course there are a ton of actual diseases with actual cures. No one is arguing that. We're talking about that this is a still a fact:
"What's the plan? To profit off the poor man's habits. Pharmaceutical corps made a nation of drug addicts. They don't wanna cure they want money while you're a dope fiend."
People like the guy that found the cure for polio are where it's at. There are tons of great doctors and great cures out there. But the fact still remains that there is also a huge dark side.
Yes you are correct but all I've seen on this thread is I hate the people who make money because they make money off of morons.
Yeah I've never said any of that. That is a really ignorant perspective if you're getting that from my post. People trust doctors and they don't think that people are out to get them. It's how people should be able to think. Most people don't think their doctor is prescribing their kid ADHD medicine because they get kickbacks for doing it. They think their kid needs it because doctors are professionals and they trust them.
I acknowledged a legitimate market.
Where? I may have missed it but all I hear is hate, hate, hate.
"The legitimate market for their product is just a fraction the size of the market they have CREATED by making people STUPID."
First post i've seen saying that it actually does some good. If its so bad then why do people keep buying into it? And don't say they're stupid I would like a legitimate reason please.
They are brainwashed. They are also treating side effects caused by other prescription drugs.
I had a friend not too long ago who injured his shoulder playing football. He started taking pain killers. After a few months, he was on pain killers, sleeping pills, bipolar pills, and seizure pills. I watched this guy go from being a strong athlete to a shell. He lost 30 or 40 pounds. He gave up sports alltogether. I witnessed him having a seizure. He was completely helpless. I had to drag him up a hill, put him in the car, and take him to the hospital. The next day, he was on another prescription drug. Then one day, he told me that he was referred to a neurologist. I went off. I told him that the whole thing was a god damn train wreck caused by pharmaceuticals.
He gave up all pharmaceuticals right then and there. That was almost 3 years ago. Now, he is drug free, in perfect health, and in better shape than ever serving in the US Army.
True story.
Shortly after I was born I underwent several doses of antibiotics which were being used to fight a bacterial infection of E. Coli. Saved my life and 17 years later drug free I am in the prime of my life and its only getting better.
True Story
Assuming your condition was exactly as you have been told, thats one success story. Assuming your condition was exactly as you have been told, you had a legitimate need for antibiotics. But that was 17 years ago. Corruption in the health care industry is nothing new but it is far more common today than it was 17 years ago.
Don't let your personal experience give you blind faith in the health care industry. The corruption is worse than ever. There have been research scandals, marketing scandals, bribery scandals, and multi-millon dollar billing scandals. This is what I know of just from memory.
Those of you without blind faith, do some research on the issue. I type the truth.
Not only am I one of the right wing pains in the ass that squawks here. I am also a pharmacist. Big pharma is big pharma because it costs so much to put a drug on the market. Your mom and pop meth lab facility in Dixie County simply cannot do it. It is expensive as hell to design a drug. It is expensive as hell to buy it.
Want to know what would help? Streamline the FDA drug approval process and, gasp, put a cap on punitive damages in lawsuits.
For every add I see on TV about a pharmaceutical, I see an add with a lawyer fishing for clients to sue a drug maker. Yes, nature is best. Back when the life expectancy was 30 and infant mortality ran into the double digits, nature definitely runs its course. Now, baby boomers are getting older, kids are getting fatter, and generally, people who habitate this rock for much longer. The longer a person lives, the greater the risk of illness, just by pure chance by itself. If a drug can keep a person out of the hospital, then that is an immense savings for health care in this nation. Big pharma needs a profit to pay for the research. They get it through excusive marketing rights on the drug. After a certain number of years, they lose the patent and the drug goes generic.
Tedscrat. After careful consideration sir, I've come to the following conclusion:
BULLSHIT. THAT DOESN'T EXPLAIN THE RECORD SETTING PROFITS. Hell no. hngjgjgugjgjgjgjjggnngffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff IT DOESN'T EXPLAIN DRUGS FOR YELLOW TOE NAILS, FAKE ED, fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff hghgyghghhg
It doesn't explain crap. You're just defending your industry. Period.
The industry can push any pill they like. The patient can plead for any pill they like. It is up to the physician to make that decision, and they are bound by laws to follow strict practices. And if the doctor does write for an ED drug or something like that, the insurance that the patient has has the discretion of covering it or not. Needless to say, few insurances are going to cover Viagra. If the the patient has the money, then he can get it.
They push unnecessary overpriced addictive side-effect causing crap. Anyone who can't see that doctors are in bed with the pharmaceutical industry is blind. My mother once attended an 'educational' seminar with a doctor. The event was held at a yacht club. They spent 30 minutes watching a video. Then it was out on the yachts. The entire event was catered and covered by the pharmaceutical industry. That sort of thing happens all the time. These aren't just perks. Its outright bribery. The doctors are in bed with your industry. Not necessarily with you, the dispenser but with them, the producer. The hell with ethics. The hell with responsibility. THE HELL WITH HEALTH. Pharmaceuticals are prescribed like candy. It shouldn't be that way. Pharmaceuticals should be prescribed only for excruciating pain or serious conditions that don't improve with proper diet, excercise, and other responsible healthy lifestyle choices. Mecicare covers ED. That insane decision was probably lobbied for by the pharmaceutical industry.
It's not something that cannot be resolved, it's one of those things that cannot be resolved in capitalism.
Since Hippocrates ("May your food be your medicine"), we all know that junk food is very harmful to one's health.
Now I've heard that there are actually LINKS between the billion-dollar junk food industry AND the pharmaceutical industry. In fact, "Natural News" had an article on a multinational that produces BOTH the junk food AND the medication for the illnesses caused by that kind of food.
In other words, this corporation is getting rich both by promoting disease and by selling us the "cure"!
thats one economic engine that will never collapse.