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Forum Post: Petition to Congress

Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 26, 2011, 3:03 a.m. EST by joeldrotts (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

We the People of the United States of America, citing our First Amendment right “to petition the Government for a redress of grievances,” do hereby respectfully ask that the now sitting Legislature’s of both the House of Representatives and the House of the Senate, in lawful accordance with Article One, Section Eight, sub-section Four, to re-amend all Chapter Seven and Eleven Bankruptcy Laws to their pre-existing state as of Nineteen Ninety Nine, thereby re-establishing the much needed protections and clean state debt forgiveness which were available to any United States citizen, legal alien, or resident whom did properly seek the protections of a Lawfully convened Court of Law, in proper accordance with the Federal Rules of Bankruptcy Procedure as so written in the year Nineteen Ninety Nine.

        We make this request of the Legislature, as a proper redress to our grievances. By signing this petition, I hereby state that under penalty of perjury and voter fraud that I am at least eight-teen years of age, I am a citizen of the United States of America, and I am lawfully allowed to vote by in the United States of America. Furthermore, by signing my name to this lawful petition to Congress I am stating that I do hereby agree that:
  1. The risk of a credit default and the possibility of that debt never being paid by the debtee to a business debtor, is and has always been a proper check on the market, as well as a part of the risk which a business agrees to under take by extending consumers credit.

  2. That for almost two-hundred years of this Nations history, businesses, not the consumers, have always been better situated to bare the costs associated with lending credit or monies to consumers. Furthermore, that the possibility of the bankruptcy of a debtee always had been and should once again become part of the risks one agrees to undertake when one goes into business, and extends credit or capital to a customer or consumer.

  3. That the lack of this risk no longer being present or common place in the market or in matters of business, was and is the cause of predatory lending, mismanaged funds by individuals and businesses alike, which did created an era of unprecedented success to certain businesses in America, to the extreme detriment of the American Consumer.

  4. That prior to Nineteen Ninety Nine, businesses, lenders, and creditors were required to properly assess, understand, and be held accountable for their lending and crediting practices, by way of simple fact that a debtee may become over extended and file Chapter Seven bankruptcy, whereby the debtor would lose all rights to claim a debt was owed them, after the proper proceedings and liquidations which could be a part of a Chapter Seven or Chapter Eleven filing. In other words, Consumers could have a clean slate, after a lawful bankruptcy proceeding.

  5. That becoming even debt free, the filing of bankruptcy was never an easy or inexpensive task. Moreover, a bankruptcy was a mark on your credit, which could haunt a Consumer for up to seven years. Furthermore, that even if the myth of Bankruptcy Abuse were real, any such abuses could only be made possible by the negligence of a lender or creditor for not properly investigating and ascertaining the credit worthiness of an individual consumer or even a businesses.

  1. Moreover, that it today modern age of instant information, the likelihood of a bankruptcy going un-noticed on a would be credit receiving parties record is highly unlikely, if not almost an impossibility. Therefore, a proper re-alignment and balancing of the risks and rewards willingly undertaken by both debtor and debtee, or lender to consumer, are not only proper but much needed.

  2. That I am signing my name to this lawful petition to both Houses of the Legislature of the United States of America, I am with purpose invoking my First Amendment Right to petition my Government for a redress of my grievances, and hereby ask that those grievances are heard, understood, and lawfully remedied in the manner so prescribed in this petition.


     I understand it is a felony offense to unlawfully impersonate, transcribe the name of another individual, to forge another persons signature, and the name so attached to this petition, is my own, and that I am the person whose name I did with purpose, free of duress, fraud, or threat did lawfully transcribe and attach to this Petition to Legislature of the United States of America.



Read the Rules
[-] 1 points by randart (498) 13 years ago

Congress is no longer a functioning system. They can't do anything effectively anymore. We need to draft citizens to become watchdogs over these people who are supposed to represent us ALL.

Petitioning the politicians will go nowhere. We need to establish a national referendum system where "we the people" can override the bought off and corrupt politicians. A few representatives can be bought off but if we could vote on issues that matter to ALL of us then we might have a chance.

[-] 1 points by Builder (4202) 13 years ago

Couple of typos.

What are the ramifications of declaring bankruptcy for the future of the bankruptee?

It's not a decision to be entered into lightly. for any reason.

It's like the last ditch effort to save face. Your current assetts are usually taken from you, when you claim.

[-] 1 points by dingy58 (172) 13 years ago

Is it my computer? the words are running off the page lulz

[-] 1 points by richardkentgates (3269) 13 years ago

sweet! have a link?