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Forum Post: Petition for Congressional Hearing

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 30, 2011, 9:39 p.m. EST by Isomad (9)
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You cannot help but have a democracy form when you have an emerging middle class (e.g.China, Vietnam, Russia). The same can be said for a shrinking middle class. We as middle class Americans are looking at the sunset of our freedom if we do not hold those who profit while others perish responsible for their actions. They not only profit... they manipulate then capitalize while companies fail and jobs are lost. A petition for congressional investigation needs to held for the heads of the private equity and hedge funds. Get them in front of the people...and pull away the curtains of financial crime. We subpoena athletes for steroid use but we turn a blind eye to those who silently assassination Democracy? Petition for congressional hearing. Its the first step.



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[-] 2 points by Isomad (9) 13 years ago

You can only manipulate those who are ignorant to the truth. When you understand how the game works...when you understand how they manipulate...you will understand you are being run by a cult of personalities. Demand congressional hearings....even the liars tell the truth in the sunshine....and the corrupted with little values will eat their own for survival. Bring congress back into the solution....it is supposed to represent us? Lets take it back over?

[-] 1 points by Isomad (9) 13 years ago

Hedge fund - they short the stock when they sign the investment...then subsequently sell the stock for profit as the funding is announced and the stock drops as traders sell for fear of dilution from the warrants.

Yes. Idiot....I understand quite well as I live and work amongst them. You can take it from me...i'm calling broken arrow on this one. It's time for the private equity and hedge funds to operate with full disclosure. The pump and dumpers would go away...along with the rein deer games....and you are scared....scared the truth is coming out.

[-] 1 points by Uriah (218) 13 years ago

You mean the same corrupt congress that helped get this mess started?

[-] 1 points by the1percent (4) 13 years ago

you are a total idiot.... do some research on where the 1% work.... more than half of them do not work on wall street, or in the financial services. do you even know what a private equity firm is? do you know how a hedge funds operates?