Forum Post: [DELETED]
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 28, 2012, 11:27 p.m. EST by anonymous
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 28, 2012, 11:27 p.m. EST by anonymous
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
DKAtoday said 0 minutes ago at Aug. 6, 2015, 9:28 p.m. EST (delete)
So sucks to be you hey? you glob of festering spit you. You do your best to undermine active protest which involves more than just protesting in the streets. And you get slapped silly. And you get your ability to tag team removed - and you whine and complain and say that it is so unfair that you can not freely try to get people to opt-out.
Well - BOO HOO HOO for you.
Bite Me.
Hmmmmmmm, so what's stopping you saying that on the forum? What are you scared of? Exposure?! Your false accusations, mistaken characterizations & outright lies have been refuted all over this forum.
Clearly you're on standby with your bottle of kid's pseudo-whiskey but you'll keep for another time. And note below the sad attempt at fraudulent forgery = the results of mixing Southern Comfort with Vicodin!
Finally - you should now know & be ass-u-r-ed that I have copied all your unsolicited PMs despite your later (sober?) deletions thanks to a short cut I discovered to scrolling through all the crap on your forum homepage. So do let me know when you want me to start answering them - by first copying them here, but meanwhile u just keep doing what you do best and keep transferring and projecting your own nature.
lugano said 0 minutes ago at Aug. 6, 2015, 9:28 p.m. EST (delete)
I eat shit and bark at the moon because I am so disgusted with myself for telling people to opt out and do nothing.
Gosh you are so pathetic:
lugano said 0 minutes ago at Aug. 6, 2015, 9:28 p.m. EST (delete)
I am a pretty pretty princess - come join my TEA party.
So what did I tell you about sending me unsolicited PMs?! Am I really expected to scroll through all the interminable crap on your forum home page? I already told u before that anything you have to say to me should be said in public, on the open forum but still you've sent me a PM! Should I find it & copy it here? Or should I give you a chance to delete it? Or have I copied it already? You don't really know what to do right? You are such an idiot but do you really have to show it so often? You need to stop drinking asap!
Just how sickly narcissistic are you - that you have to air your soap opera drama on an open forum? Your enmity towards me has nothing to do with this forum - yet you feel the absolute need to pollute the forum with what you personally can not deal with on your own.
Pathetic MUCH you ol glob of snot?
Unite in common cause. Hate the things that are wrong in this world. Support each-other in making things right. This is where the healing will begin.
The Government of "The People" by "The People" for "The People"
We are the 99%. Take part in "The Peoples" Lobby.
Take action. See samples of how below.
197,520 signatures so far for Bernie Sanders petition as of 9:48am central time 01/30/2012
The petition to save abandoned houses has 16 signatures. We picked one up at around 11:07am 01/16/2012. Were just rolling right along.
Here is a place where you can directly address change. Take part, it does not hurt and may very well heal/help. Forward the cause of reform and rebirth.
Sierra Club has some good things to take part in as well. Set-up and ready for you to take part in.
Small victory for education of children but a victory nonetheless for petitioning.
Lorax Victory!
"You helped us a ton," we needed to say, "We couldn’t have done it any other way."
Dear Dan,
A few days ago, you got an email about our petition asking Universal Pictures to change their Lorax movie website to be more green. This was important to us because when we grow up we will really want a healthy planet, so we worked hard to change the world.
This week we found out we did it! Woo hoo! Now visitors will see a gruvvulous "Go Green" Truffula tuft button that Universal put on their big website -- the button links to a whole page of tips about how to help the environment. You, yes you, and 57,238 others helped us put it there by signing our petition.
We are so proud! Some adults say they're role models for kids, but we think we're being role models for adults. We are also proud because so many of you helped us. Even though we might be little we can still make a lot of change in anything we work hard at.
Our petition was so much fun. You can make one at, too -- just click here! We were super psyched and wanted to check signatures every second! We graphed how many, but it blew right off the poster! It's great for people to be caring about the environment!
To wrap up, we'd just like to say:
Thank you so much for all your support. We needed Universal to be a good sport. We are the changers, the changers that say, "Thank you so much on this glorious day! You helped us a ton," we needed to say, "We couldn't have done it any other way."
Online petitions have no teeth. That .org does not define priorities. Meaning they are diluting our ability to define them and diverting us from effective methods that have the needed authority to create lawful and peaceful change.
Article V of the constitution is what will work.
At I found 2 petitions that mentioned Article V. One had 60 of the target 1 million. If does not put this one on its index page and promote it before all others, it is diluting the public capacity to engage methods that will actually create change. The causes of all petitions there might be met under a constitutional government created by the people with article V.
I will contact them about this and you can do the same. We need to use the tools available, it does not mean that those tools can't be improved. This is a part of total quality control and continuous process improvement. Newly born need raising after-all.
Let us coordinate with common sense and address the powerful
I agree completely and dymanically with each of your points. I've contacted them through their contact page.
My message.
Hello, So many causes on your front page represent issues largely defined by emotional reasoning, that those causes which might intrinsically provide not just answer to the specific cause found at, but might prevent any similar problems in the future are buried in the mass.
Most causes concerning The United States of America can be addressed very well eventually by a constitutional government. If it could be proven to you that America has not had one of those for about 140 years, would you use your social outreach to address proposals for change that focus upon the fully lawful and peaceful methods available to create constitutional government for America?
It is proposed that 38 states conducting conventions for proposing amendments to the constitution under the authority of Article V, is the only sure method of creating constitutional government.
If all of the foregoing can be shown to be reasonable, will use their website and outreach to help provide logical and reasonable focus for people working for the greater change?
Screen shot of the priority issue that they ignore.
Screen shot of my request.
Also, keep in mind that the most functional proposals for Article V propose preparatory amendment that removes the current stranglehold on the truth by media. Ends unlimited corporate finance of political campaigns and reforms the election systems.
Ending that stranglehold on the truth that media has could, . . . solve a great deal on its own. Just for this Article V is justified. Free speech is completely abridged in any meaningful way.
For example, we need the usenet back and .com dumped as the first level of internet. By our commercial activities we gain access. The usenet was as true a global village as we could make. None of the bad things of the last ten years would have been possible if the usenet was still in place as the American public paid for it to be. The is some strategy online developing this idea.
I need to think about this some. But if say a Campaign Finance reform petition could also call up a Corporation is not a person petition, which could call up a get private interest out of government ( or stop manipulation of government), which could call up ( or tie to ) a block a fracking approval petition, to implement green power research develop Hydrogen fuel petition, to stop out-sourcing of jobs to off shore companies that are abusing their workers petition.
It's all good, but limited. With constitutional government, we will find GATT and NAFTA can be rescinded because they are unconstitutional and created as part of the agenda of the current government colluding with multinational corporations. We will find that the federal reserve is taken over by the federal government and its abusive practices, only in favor of special interests, are ended. We will see the supreme court reformed and corporate personhood revoked.
At that point, the online petitions become valuable for deciding which corporations to grant privilages to, because we need them and they've shown true responsibility towards public interests. However, at that point the direct democracy proposals are the same thing but streamlined.
What is really needed is forum software that impliments user opinions to sort the graphic environment so only the most valuable opinions, all chosen by users, are visible easily.
Here is one such proposal. It automatically creates a relevant hierarchy.
Using that and direct democracy software, productivity will move many times faster than online petitions, be focused on priority and have veracity that is hard to find anywhere when dealing with many of the complex issues of the day.
I like your contact letter ( above ) and agree that there should be a displayed hierarchy. Social petitions, company pressure petitions, Governmental oversight etc. and that the petitions that are most important to health, the environment, prosperity of all and addressing corruption should be displayed as immediately urgent and to the most benefit of all or the most dangerous if not pursued.
Addressing the heart of the cause of many an issue should be number one priority and perhaps advertised as such. This petition not only addresses this but etc. etc. etc. listing all areas of effect would be awesome.
A simple agreement pursuant to the highest law of the land, the constitution, in defense of it, will assure that a government sensitive to our needs is maintained without fail. How can any issue be cured with any real success, if the social system the people are in that suffer the problem is failing.
That one question/fact justifies a petition at directed at directing them, if change is what they want, to put article V and any petition, with priority towards having this, our first right (and last) fulfilled, permanently in their header, on every page, so it is seen by the most people, most often. Standing a better chance of fulfillment and then empowering the greater changes needed sooner.
I will communicate that. So should everyone concerned with affecting change. It is the following and enforcement of our Constitution that will save us. So I believe.
If you don't mind/object I would like to use your wording as it is clear and understandable.
Please do. It is concise to our greater need. Also, a screen shot at the moment before the request is submitted that also captures the site url make this request tangible to the many with their invidual needs at stake through our collective body of government.
Thank you very much. Your actions, accountable to your implied intent, with its consistency, is deeply appreciated here. This shall be meaningful!
Bernie Sanders @SenatorSanders
Between 1980 and 2005, 80 percent of all new income created in this country went to the top 1 percent.
Is there only one form of protest and demonstration?
Is there only one way to serve demands to be met?
Protest, Demonstrate, serve demands in every way available.
Petitioning can be effective Protest, Demonstration and a serving of demands.
The link above ( Top of Post ) will take you to state by state petitions for campaign finance reform.
The one below takes consideration of OWS & 99% to issue with the government:
Feel free to author one yourself. It can be satisfying to speak out in a useful way.